The start largely determines the success of overcoming the entire running distance. Correctly executed take-off and starting run will achieve the best result for the athlete. The most important thing in running is to develop your maximum speed for the minimum distance.

Step 1
At the start, professional runners use special starting blocks and a machine, which provide support for pushing off and the correct positioning of the position from which the athlete begins to move. The closer the pads are to each other, the greater the simultaneous effort of both legs when pushing off. However, remember that the closer your feet are to each other, the harder it will be to switch to alternating kicks as you run.
Step 2
At the first command "Start!" stand in front of the blocks, sit down, put your hands in front of the starting line. Rest your front foot on the support platform, place the other foot on the back block. Get on one knee with your back leg, place your hands close to the starting line. The body weight should be evenly distributed between the support points - the foot, knee and arms.
Step 3
At the command "Attention" slightly straighten your legs and raise your knee. Place your feet firmly on the support platforms, keep your torso straight. Raise your pelvis 10-20 centimeters above your shoulders. The shins should be parallel to each other. The higher the angle of bending at the knees, the faster the repulsion occurs.
Step 4
Concentrate on the starting signal. After the command "Start!" push off sharply with both feet from the pads, swing your arms, and then bend them. The hind leg is only slightly unbent, and then brought forward with the thigh. The front leg is almost completely straightened after the start.
Step 5
Acceleration is performed at an acute angle relative to the track. With increasing speed, gradually reduce the tilt of the body. Remember, the larger the swing of the hips at the start, the greater the range of motion of the arms. Thanks to cross-coordination, increasing the frequency of hand movements allows you to increase the frequency of steps, and subsequently the speed of running.