A beautiful and fit figure is not always a gift of nature, often to achieve ideal forms you have to work a lot on yourself. In this case, you need not only to eat right, but also to include physical exercises, classes on various simulators.

Unfortunately, not all people who want and are ready to work on their figure can visit fitness clubs. Some are hampered by a tight work schedule, others are small children who have no one to leave with, and still others have some worries. Therefore, in recent years, exercise equipment for the home has become more and more popular.
What simulators are there?
All machines can be divided into two categories - strength and cardio. The first aggregates help develop muscles and make the body more beautiful. Cardio equipment has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and also contributes to weight loss.
For home exercises, in order to keep the body in good shape, to lose a couple of extra pounds and to improve the body, it is recommended to buy cardioline simulators. The same people who plan to seriously engage in sports and muscle building should purchase power units. True, such athletes rarely train at home, since it is very problematic and expensive to buy all the equipment necessary for exercise. Therefore, they visit gyms, where there is a large selection of equipment for training.
Those people who want to lose weight and get in shape can do this with the help of cardiovascular equipment. And in order to diversify the training process and work out various muscle groups, it is recommended to purchase more typesetting dumbbells, an expander and a gymnastic ball (fitball).
Which simulator to buy for the home?
You need to approach the purchase of a simulator for the home thoroughly and first of all choose a place where, in fact, the unit will stand. If there is not enough space in the apartment, then a ministepper can become an ideal simulator for exercising at home. His price is acceptable, the effect of training with the right approach is very good. In addition, the simulator is compact: the design of two pedals after exercise can be easily removed under a bed or in a closet.
The stepper is ideal for those who have problem areas - hips and buttocks. Since the simulator gives the main load to these muscles. Of course, there are models of steppers with levers that allow you to work out the torso as well. But such simulators are more bulky and more expensive.
It is worth saying a little about the minishapper models equipped with rubber expander. Such simulators allow you to effectively work not only the legs, but also the back, shoulders, arms. Before choosing this or that stepper model, it is recommended to try it out in the store. Unfortunately, there are models that are not easy to use.
Before exercising on cardio machines, it is recommended to consult a doctor so as not to harm your health.
If there is enough space in the apartment and you can place a more dimensional simulator, then you should purchase an ellipsoid. Experts believe that it gives a better effect from classes than a stepper. It is also safer for the joints and spine.
All movements on the elliptical trainer are performed smoothly, without jerking. And they resemble a skiing trip. In the process of training, there is a load on the legs, and also the muscles of the arms, back and shoulder girdle are worked out.
Another popular home exercise machine is the treadmill. And after folding models appeared in sporting goods stores, sales of this simulator increased significantly. Joggers use the unit as an alternative to outdoor training during the cold season.
It is worth noting that the effect of exercising on a treadmill is very good, but not everyone can exercise on it. So, people with diseases of the spine are not recommended to train on a treadmill. It puts too much stress on the back, and this is contraindicated for such an ailment.
An exercise bike can be a good option for cardio at home. Its price is an order of magnitude lower than that of the ellipse and treadmills. But the effect of training is not so good. The fact is that when exercising on a stationary bike, only the muscles of the thighs and calf muscles are included in the work. And the torso does not strain at all. And this is a definite disadvantage.
To get the most out of exercising on a stationary bike, you need to constantly monitor your posture. The back should be flat throughout the workout.