Every person wants to be attractive. Great looks are self-confidence and additional opportunities. A good figure is an integral part of a person's attractive appearance. And it is very important to keep your body in shape. But first, it must be brought into this form.

Step 1
Understand nutrition. This does not mean a starvation diet if you have a few extra centimeters on your hips and waist. Food should be balanced in composition, regular and complete.
Step 2
Pay attention to what you eat. Give preference to unrefined natural products - vegetables, meat, fruits, cereals, and so on.
Step 3
Divide your entire daily meal into 4-5 meals. Fractional nutrition in small portions (250-300 grams each) is the key to a good figure.
Step 4
Skip hearty dinners. A little fish or lean meat, a couple of tablespoons of vegetable salad with olive oil will do just fine. Do not eat later than 4 hours before bedtime. It is necessary to go to bed on an empty stomach.
Step 5
Try to avoid snacking. You may not even notice how sweets, chips, crackers, sandwiches and nuts per day you gorge on another one and a half daily allowances of kilocalories, which will be deposited in fat on the hips and waist.
Step 6
Remember, anything other than water is food. Tea, coffee with sugar, cola, juices, kefir, compote are sources of nutrients and kilocalories. The ones from which the figure is swimming.
Step 7
If you are overweight, cut back on your diet. Create a calorie deficit so that the body begins to use stored energy - fat. Do this through diet and by increasing your energy expenditure through exercise.
Step 8
Make sure your diet is balanced. You mustn't starve! It has been found that too much reduction in incoming calories slows down the metabolism. Don't cut the nutritional value of your diet by more than a quarter.
Step 9
Drink water. 1.5 liters per day at least. Many modern people suffer from dehydration, often without even knowing it. Moreover, the feeling of hunger and thirst is sometimes easy to confuse, and this leads to overeating.
Step 10
Go in for sports. Choose your activity according to your level of physical fitness. Let it be a couple of aerobics classes a week, body flex as a morning exercise, a visit to the pool, a bicycle, or just an hour and a half walk before bed. It's important to move.
Step 11
Redefine your lifestyle. Give preference to activities that require physical activity. Instead of watching TV shows on the weekend, go for a bike ride out of town. And, returning from the office, walk the last couple of stops to the house. This will definitely benefit both your figure and your health.