What does yoga actually give us? A very interesting answer is given to this question. Yoga gives us absolutely nothing! Yoga in ourselves reveals what is already laid within. It remains to figure out what exactly yoga can reveal in us.

The ancient teaching of yoga tells us that tremendous forces are hidden in ourselves. It turns out that the practice of many types of yoga "just" reveals our potential. And the potential is truly enormous! And, from this point of view, it is possible to enumerate for a long time how yoga helps us.
Physical health
The first place to start listing the list of benefits is physical health. Hatha yoga is even called a panacea for many diseases. Yoga can indeed be our medicine.
Hatha yoga can relieve many health problems. The human body gets stronger with regular practice, weakness goes away, diseases recede or their course passes much more gently.
The positive effect of the exercise is obvious. But, with all this, we remember that yoga never strives to replace medicine. Therefore, if we have any disease, the first person to contact should be a doctor. It should not be misled that yoga can replace medicine. Yoga has very different goals.
Of course, many cases are known when medicine was powerless, while the effect of yoga was very strong and saved a person from his disease. But there should be no misunderstanding. Yoga aims at self-knowledge, and medicine heals.
Of course, the physical body is strengthened during yoga, but only in the required amount so that the body does not interfere with the process of self-knowledge. In general, one way or another, yoga helps to improve physical health.
Mental health
The next thing that yoga gives is mental health. The psyche is strengthened through the impact on the physical body. The process goes from gross to subtle. But the psyche of a modern person is often shattered.
If we observe ourselves, then, as a rule, we will be able to see that often we simply behave inappropriately. In fact, the mere fact that you have come closer to understanding your condition is already a good result.
To change something for the better, you need to understand what you need to work with. The rhythm of life, stress, as well as environmental conditions lead to a painful state of our psyche. While doing yoga, we influence the psyche through the body. As the well-known proverb tells us, "in a healthy body there is a healthy mind."
Intellectual ability
What else does yoga give us? Doing hatha yoga, we, strange as it may sound, develop our intellectual abilities. Also an interesting situation. We are doing exercises at the level of the physical body, and we get the effect at the level of the intellect.
In our understanding, the image of an athlete and the image of an intellectual rarely converge in one person. Either a "jock" or a professor of philosophy. In the public mind, these are two different things. And yoga does not agree with this.
In yoga, it is believed that if a person devotes a lot of time to physical training, while forgetting about the need to develop intellectually or, conversely, is completely immersed in the development of mental skills, and the body suffers illness from a sedentary lifestyle, then there is a clear bias.
These are such painful deviations from the "golden mean", from harmony, from which one should get rid of. The ideal of yoga can be considered a physically strong person, who has a fairly well developed intellect.
It is interesting that a person who practices Hatha yoga is gradually seeking to strengthen his intellectual abilities. How this happens is absolutely not obvious, this mechanism is hidden. But, surprising as it may be, it is a fact. We can learn about this from the sources of antiquity, and also witness this by observing modern yoga practitioners.
Creative skills
What else does yoga reveal in us? Here we can talk about "development", so to speak, of creative abilities.
From the point of view of yoga, everything is prosaic and banal here. It's just that when we are "out of shape", we have a lack of vitality, we cannot maintain the work of our nervous system at such a level that it is receptive and, as they say now, creative.
It's about a simple lack of energy. When we do yoga, all our systems are in good condition and we have an excess of prana, the presence of free vitality. And if there is such an excess, then the person shows creative impulses.
Also, listing all that yoga gives us, one cannot but say about the disclosure of human superpowers. After all, every person has such abilities that are even difficult to imagine.
What kind of abilities could it be? For example, mind reading or the ability to treat physical ailments by touch. Such abilities are revealed similarly to creative ones, that is, with an excess of vitality.
In yoga, it is believed that these abilities are already inherent in us, but we are not yet aware of this, we do not know how to use them. Man is really capable of a lot.