What Yoga Classes Are For

What Yoga Classes Are For
What Yoga Classes Are For

Over the past decades, yoga has gained fantastic popularity all over the world. And in our country it has become difficult to find a city that does not have at least one school or yoga section. What is the reason? What is yoga good for, and what is it for? To find answers to these questions, you must first find out what yoga is. In the minds of most ordinary people, this is a complex of health-improving exercises. In reality, this phenomenon is much more complex and diverse.

What yoga classes are for
What yoga classes are for

So, you cannot go to practice without familiarizing yourself with the theory. The concept of yoga came to us, as you know, from Indian culture; translated from Sanskrit, the word "yoga" roughly means "union", "unity", "to bind". Scientists find the first mention of yogis in the Rig Veda (Book of Hymns), the most ancient book on Earth, which is part of the Vedas - religious Hindu texts.

Yoga is more than just a series of physical exercises; it is a serious philosophy. It is considered a way of knowing the world, a method of self-development, a link between soul and body. Yogis viewed the human body not as a dungeon, but as a temple of an immortal soul. And this temple must be protected and try to preserve it as long as possible. That's what yoga is for.

On a psychological level, yoga classes contribute to relaxation, spiritual renewal, getting rid of stress and depression, and finding spiritual harmony.

There are many directions in yoga, including those created by its modern adherents, in particular: qigong yoga, ashtana vinyasa, yoga for children, etc. The main types of yoga are: hatha yoga, raja, niyana, bhakti, karma, nidra, nada and mantra. Each of them is designed to solve certain problems, for example, hatha yoga is a basic, elementary type, ideal for beginners and for those who are engaged in mental work. To determine which type of yoga is right for you, it is advisable to read the reference literature.

Among other things, it is worth noting the indirect positive impact of yoga. Yoga is inconceivable without observing the norms of a healthy diet, without studying certain practices of cleansing the body and mind and following the rules of Ahimsa. Ahimsa is not doing evil not only in words and deeds, but also in thoughts. A person is obliged to eradicate anger and anger in himself and to cleanse himself of negative emotions, otherwise he will not achieve Harmony.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for people to get injured while doing yoga. What is the reason? Yoga does not require any special training, the problem lies in its competent and gradual assimilation, as well as in finding a good teacher.

Yoga also has a number of contraindications. First of all, scoliosis, which requires asymmetric, individually tailored exercises. Then - mental disorders, epilepsy, cancer, increased intracranial and intraocular pressure, etc.

Despite the fact that a Western person hardly comprehends the essence of Eastern practices and teachings, even a beginner, regular yoga classes will help, at a minimum, strengthen immunity, gain excellent physical shape and achieve peace of mind.
