How To Do Exercise

How To Do Exercise
How To Do Exercise

Table of contents:


Exercise strengthens the body and promotes weight loss or weight maintenance. But with the wrong approach to exercise, you can harm your health. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to calculate the load, do not forget about the warm-up before classes and smoothly complete the intensive part of the exercises.

Exercise strengthens the body
Exercise strengthens the body


Step 1

During exercise, pulmonary ventilation increases, tissue oxygen levels and the elasticity of blood vessel walls increase. Regular exercise can help lower blood sugar and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) (known as "bad cholesterol"). At the same time, the amount of high density lipoprotein - HDL (known as "good cholesterol") in the blood rises. The work of the intestines is normalized, the heart is strengthened, the general well-being and the psychological state of a person improves.

Step 2

It is very important to follow the general rules for doing the exercises. First, you need to avoid eating shortly before training. It is better to start with simple, warm-up exercises, gradually moving on to complex and more intense ones. It is not recommended to exercise if it causes pain. To avoid injury, do not overstrain and expose the body to prolonged tension of the muscles and ligaments in the joint area. Second, exercise needs to be done regularly for tangible benefits. Moderate to vigorous physical activity for at least thirty minutes a day is beneficial, according to research from the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American College of Sports Medicine. At the same time, such activities include ordinary walking, climbing stairs, working in a garden or vegetable garden, etc. It is important to remember that training should be repeated regularly, preferably every day or at least four times a week.

How to do exercise
How to do exercise

Step 3

When exercising in the gym, it's a good idea to remember that there are two types of exercise: aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise refers to prolonged, moderate exercise that engages a large number of muscle groups. For example - cycling, walking, swimming. Such moderate loads are recommended to strengthen the heart and blood vessels. Anaerobic exercise is more dynamic and takes less time. They also contribute to training the heart, but in the presence of any diseases of this organ and the wrong approach, they can be harmful. Weightlifting and bodybuilding are examples of anaerobic exercise. The exercise technique and dosage depend on the person's age and general health. You can calculate the optimal exercise intensity based on your heart rate per minute (heart rate). For this, the boundaries of the upper and lower "safety zones" are calculated. The lower limit is calculated by the formula: (220 - X) x 0, 5. The upper limit is: (220 - X) x 0.75, where X is the person's age. For example, if you are 30 years old, then the lower limit corresponds to 95 beats per minute ((220 - 30) x 0.5), and the upper limit is 142.5 beats per minute ((220 - 30) x 0.75). While exercising, it is best to stay in this zone without exceeding your upper heart rate. The effectiveness of training also decreases if the contractions of the heart muscle correspond to the lower limit. It is recommended to drink water during and after exercise to replenish the body's fluid losses. For every half hour of classes, you need to drink one glass of liquid. It is necessary to complete intense loads with relaxation movements, accompanying them with deep breathing that fills the lungs.
