How To Restore Muscles After Childbirth

How To Restore Muscles After Childbirth
How To Restore Muscles After Childbirth

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During pregnancy, a woman's figure changes significantly. After childbirth, natural processes of its restoration take place, but the previous form does not return immediately. This process can be accelerated by performing a specific set of exercises.

How to restore muscles after childbirth
How to restore muscles after childbirth


Step 1

First of all, visit your gynecologist and get advice when you can start doing physical education, sports or gymnastics. The muscles of the abdomen, thighs, pelvis, lower back, as well as posture suffer from pregnancy and childbirth more than others, but they need to be brought back to normal gradually. Keep in mind that the abdominal muscles contract on their own in the first two weeks after the birth of the child, so during this period, just do your baby and household chores - this is quite enough. If you have had a difficult labor or cesarean section, you may need a longer period during which exercise is not advisable.

Step 2

Kegel exercises to restore the pelvic muscles can be done immediately after childbirth. Lie on your back or stomach, tense the muscles that are used to hold urine and hold for 5 seconds, then relax, tense again, and so on at least 50 times a day. This exercise should also be performed while standing, squatting and in a cross-legged position.

Step 3

To restore abdominal muscles, lie on your back, squeeze your legs tightly and bend them at the knees, place your feet on the floor. As you inhale, lift your stomach, and as you exhale, pull in, pressing your lower back to the floor. The following exercise has a good effect: take a deep breath, with a slow exhalation, draw in your abdominal muscles and hold them for a few seconds. It can be done in any position, but keeping your back straight.

Step 4

The muscles of the lower back and thighs are strengthened by lifting the knees towards the chest. Lying on your back, bend your knees, take one leg with your hand and slowly pull towards your chest, hold for 5 seconds, release and relax, while pulling the other leg parallel to the floor. Do this exercise with the other leg. Then pull both knees to your chest for 5 seconds and release your legs separately. Repeat 10 times.

Step 5

For a comprehensive recovery of the muscles of the abdomen, lower back and hips, lie on your back, bend your knees, lift your leg to your chest, then straighten it, keeping the other leg bent. Repeat 10 times on each leg. You can also raise and lower your straightened legs alternately.

Step 6

To regain your posture, lean your back against the wall, placing your heels 10 cm from the plinth, lean your lower back against the wall, pull in your abdominal muscles and buttocks, and lift your chest. The back should be completely pressed against the wall. Remember this position and try to maintain it throughout the day.
