The problem of determining the normal body weight is always relevant, especially when a person cares about his health. After all, a deviation from the norm in one direction or another indicates a violation of any functions of the body, and, as a result, the development and exacerbation of various diseases. But the concept of "normal weight" is ambiguous and can vary depending on race, gender, height and age. Let's try to highlight some basic principles.

- Scales
- Stadiometer
- Calculator
Step 1
Subtract 100 from your height. The result will be your normal weight. In this case, it is necessary to make an amendment for the type of physique: thin people are 3-5% lighter, and strong people, on the contrary, are 2-3% heavier than those who are normostenics.
Step 2
Calculate your overweight index. To do this, you need to divide the weight in kilograms by the height, converted to square meters. If the resulting value is less than 25, then the weight is considered normal.
Step 3
Determine the ratio of your waist to your hips. The resulting value should not exceed 0.8 for women, and 0.9 for men.
Step 4
Calculate the normal weight using the Robinson formula: 52 + 1.9 * (0, 394 * h – 60), where h is the height in cm.