What Is "second Wind"

What Is "second Wind"
What Is "second Wind"

The term "second wind" is most often used in the world of sports. However, in the past twenty years, it has been increasingly heard in matters relating to other areas of life.

Running second breath
Running second breath

"Second wind" is an unscientific term, but quite common. Surely every person several times in his life faced situations when a "second wind" was opened. Most often it is associated with athletes or difficult situations.


When an athlete runs a long distance, at some point, fatigue comes to him. The heart begins to work at an accelerated rate, the lungs do not have time to process the incoming air. At some point I even want to stop. If beginners can stop, then the professional will run further to get through the dead center.

It is after passing through the "dead center" that the heart begins to work again in normal mode, and the lungs cope with their work. This condition is called "second wind".

Also, a "second wind" can appear, for example, in a football player during a match. It often happens that a player, right during the match, cannot fully fight for the ball, accelerate. It seems to him that the period of complete exhaustion of the body has come. However, after a few minutes, forces suddenly appear, helping to run the entire match to the end without stopping.

The ability to work on the "second wind" is appreciated in a sports environment. This allows you to achieve good results, win, set records.

Surprisingly, two decades ago this term was purely sporting, but now it has begun to be used in different contexts.

Mental activity

Often, during the solution of a certain task, a stupor occurs. The brain cannot plunge into the problem, being distracted by the world around it, weakness and apathy are felt. Then suddenly the thought begins to work quickly, as if it receives an additional impulse.

"Second wind" is often opened in schoolchildren during the performance of control work or homework.

Life process

It often happens that a person falls into a state of apathy for subjective or objective reasons. This can last for days or months. It seems that the world around has collapsed and there is no hope of changing anything.

Then, unexpectedly, the situation develops in such a way that the person returns to ordinary life, as if receiving an impulse from the outside. This is the manifestation of the "second wind".


For some, the "second wind" is manifested in creativity. For example, when painting a picture or composing a song, there may come a time when creative ideas are exhausted. It seems that it is impossible to continue working on the work. After a while, inspiration comes, like a "second wind" while running, and the creation takes on a finished form.

"Second wind" in any sphere appears after passing the "dead center". If the process is presented allegorically, then the "second wind" comes to those who have shown perseverance and patience, in the form of a reward.
