There are three types of fat in the human body - brown, subcutaneous and visceral. An excess of the latter carries the greatest danger to the body. It is the hidden visceral fat that is most difficult to remove and leads to numerous diseases.

- - Magnetic resonance imaging;
- - a set of exercises;
- - dietary diet.
Step 1
Get magnetic resonance imaging. This study will help determine the percentage of visceral fat in your body. Normally, a healthy person should have no more than 1 liter. If this indicator is higher, then a serious danger threatens health, comparable to a time bomb. There may be no obvious diseases, but excess visceral fat begins to be deposited in the muscles and tissues of the abdominal cavity (liver, kidneys, heart, pancreas). All this as a result leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus.
Step 2
Develop a diet. You can do this under the supervision of a professional, but the basic principles of healthy eating are easy to practice on your own. Eliminate fatty and fried foods from your menu, limit sweets and baked goods, canned foods with a lot of additives. Eat more complex carbohydrates, fresh vegetables, lean meats and fish, unsweetened fruits, and be sure to take vitamin supplements. Gradually, the weight will begin to fall and, accordingly, the level of visceral fat will decrease.
Step 3
Without exercise, diet is meaningless. The fact is that with a decrease in the caloric content of food, fat leaves the cells (adipocytes) and breaks down into fatty acids and glycerol. For fatty acids to be utilized, physical activity is necessary to increase muscle metabolism. In this case, the muscles will use these same fatty acids to fuel.