Yoga is a complex of physical and spiritual practices. It is rooted in ancient philosophical teachings and beliefs. Today yoga has more than a dozen areas. For a modern person, the first steps in yoga are mastering the basic positions (asanas) and breathing exercises. What is yoga useful for?

Yoga is based on four principles: correct breathing, correct nutrition, correct movement and correct thinking.
- Traffic. Yoga makes your body more flexible, strong and corrects your posture. Unlike simple physical exercises, it does not carry injuries and sprains, strengthening and stretching muscles gradually, without stress for the body. Therefore, yoga can be practiced by both young and older people.
- Breathing - Yoga has healing powers. Helps in the fight against almost all diseases and prevents them. Each exercise is accompanied by a specific breathing rhythm. Thus, the circulation of blood and lymph in the body improves, the pressure and a number of organs and systems return to normal.
- Nutrition: In addition to physical and breathing exercises, yoga provides a diet. Due to the observance of certain rules for the use of food and water, metabolism, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract improves, the body is cleansed of toxins. There is lightness, a surge of energy, immunity is strengthened.
- Thinking: The main goal of yoga is harmony of body and mind. Thanks to certain yogic practices (relaxation, meditation), a person learns to focus his attention, increases the level of vital energy, relieves stress, calms thoughts. Studies show that yoga has a beneficial effect on the areas of the brain that are responsible for sleep. There is also an increase in mood.
P. S. Despite the wide range of benefits of yoga, this practice still has contraindications. If you have undergone surgery on your joints or spine, or you are experiencing an exacerbation of a chronic illness, then before doing yoga, you should consult with your doctor.