Very often it happens like this - the legs are slender, the waist is thin, and the whole appearance is spoiled by fat deposits on the sides. It is almost impossible to eliminate this nuisance with diet. Therefore, special exercises should be performed to tighten the sides.

The whole complex, created to remove the sides with exercises, consists of stretching, strength loads and exercises on a fitball.
Elementary gymnastics
Stretching your lateral abs helps to remove excess body fat and narrow your waist. In addition, stretching plays the role of a warm-up.
Lean on your left knee and left palm. Straighten your right leg and set it aside, and extend your straight right arm in the direction of the head. As you inhale, slowly stretch your right leg and right hand at the same time, feeling the lateral muscles stretch.
Stand straight, feet hip-width apart, hands behind your head. Stretch your left elbow to the left and your right hip to the right. From the side, the body should resemble the letter S in shape. Hold the pose for several inhalations and exhalations.
Lying on your right side, support your head with your hand, and spread your legs so that they form an angle of 45-60 degrees. Raise your right leg to your left. Repeat 20 times for each side.
Dumbbell Complex
To quickly and effectively remove the sides with exercises, you should arm yourself with additional equipment. Take 1-3 kg dumbbells in each hand. Lean slowly to the right while raising your left arm vertically. Repeat 10 times on each side.
Remain in the starting position with your arms down. While making a side bend, at the same time slide the opposite hand from the dumbbells on the side. You can also put a dumbbell on your shoulder and pull your elbow towards the top of your head as you tilt. During these exercises, you should feel the tension of the muscles of the oblique press.
Lean one hand against a wall or table, with the other take a dumbbell and place it on your shoulder. Raising your hand from the dumbbells up, at the same time stretch the straight leg of the same name back 45 degrees. Try to feel the stretch around your waist.
Cheerful fitball
Fitball will make exercises for tightening the sides not only effective, but also enjoyable. Place the fitball to your right, stand on your left knee and place an outstretched, straight leg on the ball. Place your left hand on your waist. Lean slowly to the right, keeping your lower body firmly in place.
Lying sideways on the fitball, lean on the floor with the palm of the same name, and put the foot of the same name on the edge of the sole. Raise your other leg as high as possible.
Sit on your back, place your hands under the back of your head, and your shins on the fitball. Roll the ball slowly from side to side without moving your upper body.