What Is Pilates

What Is Pilates
What Is Pilates

A fashionable and a bit mysterious word that is widely heard today is Pilates. This wellness system of physical training conquered the Hollywood elite and the Moscow elite. Every self-respecting fitness center offers Pilates classes. So what is it?

What is Pilates
What is Pilates

Pilates history

The Pilates technique, which is so popular all over the world today, was developed at the beginning of the twentieth century by the German Joseph Pilates for the treatment and rehabilitation of patients after various injuries. The exercise system was aimed at a complex effect on the entire body as a whole. At the same time, the patient did not require great physical exertion and muscle tension. Most of the exercises were performed in a horizontal position using special muscle stretching devices.

Today Pilates is a special set of exercises for both rehabilitation patients and ordinary people who want to keep their bodies healthy and young. The method is especially useful for women who are going to become mothers in the future and who have recently given birth, because Pilates strengthens the pelvic, abdominal and back muscle groups. It is these muscles that are heavily loaded during pregnancy and are involved in the process of childbirth.

The technique allows you to stretch and strengthen the muscles without applying strong physical activity.

Basic principles of Pilates

The first principle of the method is relaxation. It is with this exercise that each lesson begins. The second important principle is concentration. During the lesson, a person is required to concentrate on those muscle groups that he is working on.

Alignment is the third fundamental principle. Its essence is the development of posture. The safety of all activities depends on this, because poor posture can damage your joints.

Breath control is the fourth principle. It is important to breathe deeply and rhythmically, filling the lower part of the lungs as you breathe. Breathing like this will relieve you of shortness of breath and help you exercise easily.

Centering is the fifth, but not least, principle. It is the fundamental basis of the entire method. The focus here is on the transverse and other abdominal muscles with their important properties of maintaining the spine and internal organs in the correct position.

Coordination is a principle that requires precision in movement and tight control over the body as a whole. Here the habit of the body is developed always and everywhere to move correctly and beautifully.

The principle of coordination complements the other - the smoothness of movements and the continuity of the transition from one exercise to another. To this should be added the endurance of the body, tk. without a gradual increase in this component, it will be difficult to increase the intensity of training.

The implementation of all of the above principles is impossible without observing the principle of regularity of Pilates classes - at least three times a week.

You can practice Pilates not only in special gyms and clubs, but also at home. Special equipment is not required for this.

Regular training according to the Pilates method will allow you to improve posture, strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, pelvis, back, and improve the functioning of the joints, i.e. improve the general condition of the body. Plus, Pilates will make you more flexible, coordinated, graceful and confident.
