How To Get Rid Of The "ears" On The Sides

How To Get Rid Of The "ears" On The Sides
How To Get Rid Of The "ears" On The Sides

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A beautiful waist gives a woman an attractiveness and balances proportions. A set of exercises for different muscle groups, reasonable nutrition, adherence to the daily regimen help to achieve a good figure, to drive away the accumulated fat on the sides.

How to get rid of
How to get rid of


Step 1

Exercise 1 hour after eating, and bend your hips at right angles. Place your hands on your hips. As you inhale, inflate your stomach, as you exhale, draw in. Do several repetitions without haste. Perform bends strictly to the sides, with dumbbells 1, 5 kilograms. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arm raised to the side of the slope and up. Repeat 20 times in each direction. The exercise is aimed at developing the oblique abdominal muscles. Lie on the floor, raise your legs at an angle of 90 degrees, rotate them as when riding a bicycle. By dropping your legs lower, closer to the floor, you will increase the load on your lower abdominal muscles. Repeat 15-30 times. Increase the load gradually, otherwise the pain will discourage the desire to practice every day. Raise the body from the supine position and keeping your hands behind your head. Do the exercise slowly. This way you will achieve a greater effect than lifting in jerks. Press your lower back to the floor, for this you can bend your knees. The exercise is aimed at training the upper abdominal muscles.

Step 2

Rub areas of body fat with a warming cream or fat burner. Wrap with plastic wrap. This thermal effect helps to quickly get rid of the ears on the sides. You can use a wrap when performing a complex.

Step 3

Massage the problem areas with honey. Apply and peel off your palms until the honey rolls off in your hands and turns white. The procedure is painful but effective. Use instead of honey, sea salt, or a mixture of vegetable oil and sugar. The treatments act like peeling. Visit a sauna that will enhance the effect of the massage.

Step 4

Redefine your eating habits. Give up fatty foods, muffins, cakes. Substitute animal vegetable fats. Soda water causes bloating. Cabbage, peas and beans all help ferment in the intestines. Salty foods retain fluid in the body. It is better to refuse these products. Eat foods high in fiber (vegetables, fruits) for regular bowel cleansing. Drink plenty of clean water.

Step 5

Observe the daily routine. Get up and go to bed at the same time. Avoid stressful situations. This will help you achieve good results. Disruptions in the regime, emotional and psychological stress provoke us to consume high-calorie food, which is deposited in the sides.
