How Many Times A Day Do You Need To Pump The Press

How Many Times A Day Do You Need To Pump The Press
How Many Times A Day Do You Need To Pump The Press

Abs is one of the most revealing parts of the body, especially in the summer, when it's time for beaches and short tops. How to achieve the maximum result when working on the press, making it embossed and without spending a lot of time?

How many times a day do you need to pump the press
How many times a day do you need to pump the press

The best option for pumping the press - what is it?

Before asking questions about how many times you need to swing abs or biceps, it is worth analyzing your biorhythm, your diet and physical fitness: it is unlikely that beginners will be able to exercise 6 days a week, performing 5-7 approaches daily, right? And the role here is played not only by the physical, but volitional training too.

According to many professional fitness instructors and trainers, the following regime will be the optimal number of pumping the press: 3-4 times a week, one session a day. However, even here you need to answer one question, what do you want to achieve, just relief or volume?

This is a very important point: many girls, speaking of the press, mean a flat stomach and slightly protruding "cubes", but when it comes to guys, they speculate about voluminous "cubes" that will be perfectly visible under a wet T-shirt:)

The training approach in each case will be fundamentally different:

- When working "for volume", you need to do a small number of approaches (3-4) with the maximum possible number of repetitions, preferably with additional load, with the usual, rather slow speed of execution. The breaks between sets should be long. It is worth considering that in order to gain at least some mass of "abs", you need to work not only on it, but also to pump the rest of the muscle groups.

- When working "on the relief", it is advisable to do 5-7 approaches with the number of repetitions "on the rise" - 6 and 7 approaches should include the maximum possible number of repetitions, while the repetition rate should be high - so that the press begins to burn. When working on terrain, since you are not interested in increasing volume and gaining mass, you can do two sessions a day: in the morning (lunchtime) and in the evening, about 2-3 hours before bedtime.

The press is also one of the most "popular" parts of the body: everyone wants it, and sports magazines are full of headlines about "the perfect press in 7 days." Instead of spending money on such waste paper, consult with specialists.

Diet changes to maximize results

The diet also depends on the goals: if you want huge cubes, then eat everything and in large quantities, focus on the diet that bodybuilders use to gain mass. But if your goal is relief and not a lump of excess fat, then focus on protein and try to exclude excess fast carbohydrates in the diet, which often, especially in women, lead to the accumulation of fat in the lower belly and on the sides.

The press is that part of the body that will maintain its relief only if you constantly work on it. A week without abs work, and you will immediately notice the result. Nutrition also affects - less fast carbs!

Nutrition is one third of the result, the other third is proper sleep. Remember that the more your muscles work, the more rest they need to recover from work. If you want your abs to grow, sleep more and do not hesitate to take a nap in the afternoon if you have free time.
