Each woman has her own body type and her own problem areas. There is one sore subject that worries so many of the fair sex - fat deposits on the sides. Almost every second girl dreams of getting rid of obnoxious "ears" at the waist. It is very difficult to cope with them, but it is possible. To do this, you need to follow simple tips and tricks.

Step 1
First of all, it is necessary to start fighting with the total weight, to choose a personal diet. An adult needs about 2,000 calories a day to lose weight, you need to reduce their number to 1400-1800. Reconsider your diet, eat more vegetables and fruits. Give up sweets, smoked meats, various carbonated and alcoholic drinks. Drink at least two liters of water a day.
Step 2
Change your lifestyle. Do aerobics. Smoothly bend to one side, then to the other. Every day, do two to three sets of twenty to thirty times in each direction.
Step 3
After two days, complicate the exercise with the dumbbells. These activities help burn extra calories and improve body shape. Pay special attention to abdominal exercises, strengthening the oblique abdominal muscles.
Step 4
Buy a hoop, it should be heavy enough. Twisting the hoop will bring you excellent results, but only if the exercises with this simulator take place every day and last at least thirty to forty minutes. Try not to sit on the couch, but get up with a hoop in front of the TV and start working your stomach and hips.
Step 5
Jog. Go for a thirty minute run every night.
Step 6
Massage problem areas using anti-cellulite creams and scrubs. Self-massage will help warm up fat deposits, activate metabolism and blood flow in them. Massage your sides vigorously and vigorously with a special brush. Give each side at least ten minutes.
Step 7
Water treatments and swimming are additional weapons in the fight against fat on the sides. Visit the sauna or bathhouse several times a week, swim in the pool.
Step 8
Sign up for a fitness club and talk to an instructor. He will select the right set of exercises for you. Working out in a sports complex will be more effective than exercising at home.