Of the three main types of female figures: apple, pear and hourglass, the latter is considered to be the most attractive. Even if the proportions go beyond the 90-60-90 standard, this type still looks harmonious. Proper nutrition and special exercises will help you get closer to the sand type.

Step 1
So, to slim down your waist, first, start eating a balanced diet. Eliminate fast food, fatty and starchy foods from the diet. Replace sweets with dried fruits. Eat more vegetables, fruits, and greens. Choose from drinks green tea, natural juices and still mineral water.
Step 2
As for the complex of physical exercises, it should be done regularly. Start your daily workout with a 10-minute warm-up. It can consist of walking in place, bending the body, rotating the head, shoulders, hips, and wrists. You can complete the warm-up complex by jogging lightly in place for 3 minutes.
Step 3
To perform the first exercise - twisting with a head lift - lie on your back, bend your knees, put your feet on the floor, and draw in your stomach. At the same time, you can place your hands behind your head without crossing your fingers into a lock.
Step 4
One - raise your shoulders and head and fix this position for 20 seconds. In this case, the hips may rise slightly. The load must fall on the press.
Step 5
Two - lower your head, shoulders and hips to the starting position and relax your abs.
Step 6
To perform the second exercise - reverse crunches - lie on your back, legs also bend at the knees. Place your hands along the body, palms down, pull in your stomach.
Step 7
Once - tighten the press, lift your hips up so that the tailbone is in the air. Fix the pose for 10-15 seconds.
Step 8
Two - return to starting position. The hips in this exercise should be raised smoothly, without making any sharp jerks. Watch the abdominal muscles tense during the exercise.
Step 9
Starting the third exercise - oblique twisting - lie on the floor, bend your right leg at the knee, leaving your foot on the floor. Cross your legs so that your left ankle is on top of your right knee and your left knee is pointing to the left. Put your hands behind your head, without connecting your fingers, pull your stomach in.
Step 10
One - turn your head and shoulders, turning your right shoulder towards your left knee. Try to touch your knee with your elbow. Lock the position for 15 seconds.
Step 11
Two - get down on the floor and relax. All exercises should be performed 7-10 times.