Today we will analyze the methods that are used in yoga practices. Let's do this using the example of Hatha Yoga. We have two such methods, and they are the opposite of each other. But we will talk about how to combine them and how to achieve maximum results with their help.

Energy Method
The first method that we will discuss is the Energy method. It consists in the fact that, while practicing hatha yoga asanas, we try to trust our sensations and get maximum pleasure when doing it.
This can be compared to the state when we just woke up in the morning, slowly, stretching, yawning. Enjoy the awakening process! We do not force ourselves, we listen to our body and fulfill its desires.
For example, performing the pose "bending to straight legs while standing," we do not set ourselves the goal of reaching our feet with our head or simply bending over strongly. Our goal, if we practice asana using the Energy method, is to enjoy the process. We are in a pose as much as we want, at some point our body will ask to bend over more.
We, in obedience to his desire, in a relaxed state, bend lower to our feet. You can even say that the body bends itself, and we observe the process and enjoy this manner of execution. Our movements are soft, smooth, we do not force ourselves to anything. This is the method of Energy. It is also called the Mother Method.
Consciousness Method
Its opposite can be considered the method of Consciousness or the Father's method. When doing an asana in this way, we make an effort. We try to bend, bend lower, somewhere to pull the muscles harder.
It is very important here to distinguish between when we make an effort to fulfill and rejoice in the fact that we overcome ourselves from when the violence begins. And violence, as we already know, has no place in yoga! Where violence appears, yoga ends.
Overcoming ourselves, we plunge into a position deeper, feel pride that the body obeys us. Our muscles with this approach resist, we ascetic, but without bringing to unpleasant sensations, overcome ourselves.
But both with the first method of execution, and with the second, there should always be joy in the background. Either it is the joy of allowing yourself or the joy of overcoming yourself! This is the yoga approach! Any other approach will not bring us long-term results.
It is great when a yogi uses both of these methods in his practice. And the best thing is when both methods are present in the performance of the same asana, replacing each other. First, we use the Energy method, take a pose, allow the body to relax in it. When the body gets used to the posture, we consciously increase the load, moving on to the execution by the method of Consciousness.