Holding the Olympics for any city is a truly significant event. Many cities compete for the right to host the games, but only one becomes the winner. The path to success begins with an application to the International Olympic Committee.

To apply to host the Olympic Games, you need not only the desire of the city authorities, but also the availability of the necessary infrastructure, financial capabilities, support from the leadership of the National Olympic Committee (NOC) and the country's leadership.
All initial arrangements are made with the NOC. Its specialists must assess the possibility of holding world-class competitions in a given city, their estimated cost, and the possibility of recoupment. The need for the reconstruction of existing sports facilities and the construction of new ones is considered, support for the possible holding of the Olympiad by the townspeople is determined. If all these issues can be resolved, appropriate consultations are held with the country's leadership. The organization of the Olympic Games is a very difficult and responsible event, therefore, one cannot do without the help of the country's top leadership.
If there is no disagreement at the level of the leaders of the city, the NOC and the country, the city can apply to the IOC to host the Summer or Winter Olympic Games. For this, a special Bid Committee is created, which usually includes representatives of the city, NOCs and government agencies. This is enough to apply, but not enough to win.
The winning bid consists of many components. In particular, it is necessary to gather not only sports and other functionaries, but also people who will directly promote the application. Namely, to think over and implement all the necessary PR-actions. In the modern world, this is very important, without competent advertising, the chances of winning will be practically zero. For example, the Sochi 2014 Bid Committee included specialists from major advertising agencies and business structures who are able to achieve their goals. The result of their very competent work is obvious, Sochi was chosen as the venue for the 2014 Winter Olympics. It is worth noting that more than $ 60 million was spent on all activities related to the promotion of the Russian application. This suggests that the Bid Committee must have the necessary financial resources.
The application is submitted in writing addressed to the head of the International Olympic Committee. The IOC accepts applications to host the Olympic Games until a certain period. If you do not meet the deadline, then you can only qualify for the next Olympics. As a rule, applications are accepted at least 7-8 years before the competition, so that the winning city has time to prepare for them. The applicant city can withdraw the application at any time, but the winner signs an agreement with the IOC that already provides for the obligations to prepare and conduct the Olympics.