A lot of people want to look their best during the summer season so they don't lose face on the beach. But the result usually depends on how much time is spent on training and whether the diet is followed during the off-season.

It is necessary
- - sports uniforms;
- - camera;
- - comfortable sneakers;
- - gym;
- - organic products.
Step 1
The desire to immediately lose weight haunts us regardless of the time of year, but in the summer this topic becomes as relevant as possible. You should not look for answers on women's forums and risk your health. Ruslan Panov, an expert methodologist and coordinator of the group programs of the federal network of X-Fit fitness clubs, tells about how to put yourself in order in a short time without harm to the body.
The desire to lose weight quickly and effortlessly is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance. Almost every extreme weight loss program involves a rigid diet. Qualified trainers and sports doctors do not approve of this, since such "experiments" negatively affect the metabolism and hormonal system. But what to do when less than a month is left before the vacation, and the parameters are still far from ideal? Follow the principles of "smart" fitness!
The X-Fit network operates a patented system of proven training methods Smart Fitness, based on the study and mastery of the principles of natural biomechanics. High-quality fitness according to this system allows you to get in shape without harm to health due to the fact that it teaches the body to move anatomically correctly. Being engaged in these programs, a person achieves results noticeably faster and more efficiently, maintaining and strengthening his health.
Step 2
Ruslan Panov, one of the leading experts of the X-Fit network, has several rules, following which you can safely get in shape in a few weeks.
1. Combine exercise and a balanced diet, not starve. During fasting, the breakdown of food into nutrients is sharply reduced, and the body ceases to receive energy, which is required both for physical exertion and for intellectual and psycho-emotional. Yes, the weight will go away, but irreparable damage will be done to health.
2. Apply for express weight loss only if your weight does not exceed 80 kg (for women) and 100 kg (for men). At higher weights, preliminary preparatory work is necessary. It will take 3-4 months to achieve a stable high-quality result.
3. Feel free to ask a fitness trainer for advice. No one, except a personal trainer, will be able to assess the correctness of each exercise, while its safety and effectiveness in terms of fat burning, the formation of muscle relief and correct posture depends on the technique. In addition, a good coach is also a competent psychologist who will additionally motivate and support a person.
4. Schedule high intensity interval programs. There are several options for this workout; Below is a basic complex suitable for any level of training. You need to perform according to the scheme: a minute for an exercise, 20 seconds for recovery.
- Squats. We carry out with keeping the knees in place and with a straight back.
- Back lunges.
- Jumping Jack or "army star" - by jumping dynamically we change the position of the feet from wide to narrow, helping ourselves with our hands: when the legs are together, the palms touch the hips, when the legs are apart, the palms are up.
- Push ups. Push-ups can be made more difficult by changing the position of the arms from wide to narrow, reducing the area of support by lifting or abducting the legs to the side, or working on an unstable surface.
- Plank. The bar can also be made more difficult by increasing the lever, that is, leaving your hands in place and moving back, placing your arms wider than your shoulders, and in other ways.
- Burpee - squats with an exit to the bar and with jumps between positions.
- Abs and balance exercises with an emphasis on feeling the abdominal muscles work and relaxing the back. Sitting on the buttocks with the legs raised to the parallel of the lower leg with the floor, we perform the extension of the hip joint, lying on the floor and rising to the starting position.
If repeated daily, the first results can be seen in a couple of weeks.
Step 3
X-Fit is the largest federal chain of international fitness clubs in the premium and business class segments in Russia. One of the three leaders in the domestic fitness services industry.
The history of X-Fit began in 1991, when one of the first private tennis clubs in Russia was opened in Moscow's Lianozovo park. It was a unique project for its time, based on the Old English traditions of elite club recreation. The tennis club quickly became popular among people who value the atmosphere of coziness and comfort, who understand the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
Five years later, the first fitness studio appeared next to the tennis club, which became the base for the future full-fledged, ultra-modern fitness club with the X-Fit pool in Altufevo. Further development of the network was rapid: in 2005, five clubs, including one regional, were already operating under the X-Fit brand, and in 2010 - 19 fitness centers in the capital and major Russian cities. Today the federal network includes more than 80 fitness clubs in Moscow, Kazan, Voronezh, Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm and other cities.
The company operates on the market under two brands: customers can choose full-size X-Fit clubs with an area of more than 2,500 m2 or clubs in the democratic Fit-Studio format. At the moment, over 350 thousand people are members of X-Fit fitness clubs throughout the country.
In 2015, the chain patented the Smart Fitness system of proven methodologies developed by the company's experts, which is the basis of all X-Fit training programs. In September 2017, the system was updated and restarted - Smart Fitness vol. 2.0 is valid in all fitness clubs of the chain. The company has established and operates the X-Fit PRO faculty, which includes several dozen educational programs for professionals in the fitness industry and a wide audience.
X-Fit has more than fifty prestigious awards, awards, diplomas and certificates of honor. Among them: in 2017, a network of fitness clubs became a laureate of the Sport and Russia prize in support of sports and healthy lifestyles in the Best Innovative Fitness Club nomination; business award of public activity "Best in Russia / Best.ru" - according to the results of 2015, the X-Fit chain was recognized as the best in the category "Network of sports clubs"; "Moscow Entrepreneur - 2016" and "Moscow Entrepreneur - 2015" in the category "The best chain of fitness clubs in Moscow"; "Moscow Entrepreneur - 2014" in the category "Services in the field of sports"; "Person of the Year - 2011" in the nomination "For the creation of the largest network of fitness clubs" according to RBC; "Entrepreneur of the Year - 2010" in the category "Services" by Ernst & Young; diploma from the Moscow government "Moscow entrepreneur" in the category "Medicine, leisure, sports and health services"; the first Russian award in the field of beauty and health "Grace"; Grand Prix "Best Networked Fitness Center" and many others.
Step 4
Identify problematic body parts to work on. This first step is half the battle. If you do not know exactly what you need to remove or add, then it makes no sense to draw up a training and nutrition program.
Step 5
Take photos of your torso at the moment and decide which one you will work on first. Set achievable goals for yourself. Here are examples: lose 5 kg, gain 3 kg of muscle, remove belly wrinkles, get rid of cellulite, etc.
Step 6
Start running in the morning. Cardio preparation is needed in any case. It doesn't matter if you're weight training or want to burn fat. Running evenly on a daily basis will help prepare your muscles for training and your heart for a new routine and regimen. Without this type of stress, it is very difficult to rebuild your usual way of life.
Step 7
Wear comfortable running shoes and warm clothes, and run for 10-15 minutes every morning. Time yourself and run at a calm pace, trying not to catch your breath. It is important to learn to listen to your body and organism.
Step 8
Observe the daily routine. It should be competently divided into three equal parts of 8 hours each. That is, you devote 8 hours to sleep, the same amount for work (study) and the same amount for rest. In the last period of time, just turn on jogging workouts.
Step 9
Watch your diet. Regardless of your initial goal, switch to natural products, forgetting about such junk food as convenience foods, confectionery, flour and meat products.
Step 10
Get all the micronutrients you need from fruits, berries, grains, mushrooms, legumes, and vegetables. Drink plenty of moisture throughout the day. Always carry a 1.5 liter bottle of clean water with you. Drink it during work, rest, and training.
Step 11
Join a sports club or hire a personal trainer. Of course, running and eating well can drastically change your body and mind. But only regular training in the gym will help you get an excellent figure for the summer season.
Step 12
Go to the gym and do 3 weights if you need to build muscle. Take a group fitness or aerobics class to lose weight and increase muscle endurance. Choose the program and section of classes that suits you and train on an ongoing basis. The result will not be long in coming.