Making your belly fit is not a dream, but a reality. There is a special training program for the abs that is designed for the constant and increasing growth of muscle mass. You just need to start small, gradually moving on to larger loads.

It is often very difficult to start classes for those who have never exercised. However, pumping up the press for a beginner is not so difficult if you increase the load gradually. But an advanced exercise program will help to consolidate and maintain the achieved result.
Scheme for "dummies"
To build abs at home from scratch, you must perform at least two exercises - twisting and lifting the legs. First, lie on the floor with your legs bent at right angles and your feet and lower back to the floor. Place your hands behind your head, but do not interlock your fingers to train the abs, not the muscles of the neck. As you exhale, slowly lift your shoulders and torso away from the surface, contracting your abdomen and pressing your lower back firmly against the floor. Do not help yourself in jerks, the movements should be smooth. Return slowly to the starting position. Stay on the floor in the starting position with only your palms under your buttocks. As you exhale, understand your legs with your pelvis until your knees hang over your ribcage. The muscles of the press at this moment are tense to the limit. Return smoothly to the starting position.
Lie on your side, rest on your forearm. Place your other hand on your belt. As you exhale, lift your pelvis so that your body forms one straight line. Lock your torso in this position for 5 seconds, inhale and relax. Each exercise must be repeated at least 20 times.
Advanced program
Experienced athletes will find this abs workout routine too primitive. Don't worry, there is a lot of exercise for this part of the body. You can start increasing the load from the "bar".
Place your forearms and toes on the floor. Make sure that the lower back does not bend, and the shoulder blades do not rise. Freeze in this position for one minute. Follow 3 sets. Also, an advanced exercise program includes lifting the body from an incline bench with weights. In the gym, you need to lie on an incline bench, passing an expander under it, which you need to hold with your arms bent at the elbows. Do the lifts without moving your arms or legs. Only the upper torso works.
The well-known exercise "bicycle" will help to pump up the press at home. Lying on your back, bend your knees at right angles, lift your shins perpendicular to the surface, and close your hands at the back of your head. Lift your shoulders and shoulder blades off the floor, and slowly begin to simulate pedaling with your feet. Increase the number of approaches day by day.