Whoever starts active sports, always asks one simple and important question - how to train? Most newcomers to the gym do not even understand why they do some exercises and not others. For this, it is precisely necessary to develop special training programs that can take into account all the characteristics of the athlete.

Step 1
Set an athletic goal for resistance training. You must clearly understand why you came to the gym. For some, it may just be part of a healthy lifestyle, for others, it may be gaining weight or losing weight. In any case, it will be necessary to consider not only the training regimen, but also the diet that is suitable for the individual and his goals. Write the desired result on a piece of paper.
Step 2
Write down a workout plan by day. First of all, you need to understand that in each lesson you should work no more than 2-3 muscle groups. Only then can you be sure that the muscles receive sufficient stress and gradually grow in volume. Do not forget that the first exercise should always be compound, i.e. affect the largest muscle layers. 1-2 others - for smaller muscles that are needed to form a relief.
Step 3
Remember that the first exercises in the complex must be alternated every 3-4 weeks so that muscle stagnation and imbalance do not appear. Regardless of your athletic goal, one of the most effective workout splits will be: • Day 1: Legs, shoulders, and abdominals • Day 2: Back and biceps • Day 3: Chest and triceps
Step 4
Choose your workout exercises. Everything will depend on your initial training. However, bar or bar squats and leg presses are great options for working out your legs. Train your back on a special bench or deadlift. For chest workouts, a bench press, push-ups from the uneven bars, or dumbbell routing on an incline bench are suitable.
Step 5
Make a clear schedule for the training. Exercise no more than 60 minutes at a time. More - it will only be worse for the work of the heart and ineffective for working out the muscles. Do each exercise for 4 sets of 8-10 reps each. Rest between sets - 2-3 minutes. Increase the weight on the apparatus if you want to increase muscle and strength performance. If you want to lose weight, do more reps.