This is a fat burning training program for men. It is focused on the professional level of training.

This is a fat burning training program for men. It is focused on the professional level of training.
The program consists of three parts:
1. Description of the program:
- target;
- tasks;
- for whom it is suitable;
- load intensity;
- duration of training;
- professional fitness equipment at home
2. The second part describes the principles that underlie the training.
3. Directly exercises and an algorithm for their implementation. This section describes three workouts that should be repeated based on rest days. The program indicates the time for each exercise, the number of approaches and repetitions. The main tricks and rules for performing each of the exercises are also described.
Section 1: "About the program"
Slimming program for professionals
Purpose: weight loss and work on relief
By following this workout plan for professional men, you will achieve reduced fat mass and lean muscles. Such a scheme will help a professional man to dry his body well. It will allow a person with extensive experience in sports to get rid of body fat, but who has not achieved their goal. Gender: male Objectives: 1. Burn subcutaneous fat. 2. Development of endurance. 3. Development of strength. 4. Detailed study of each muscle.
In the course of trainings, you will receive intense loads, consisting of effective exercises. This will significantly increase athletic capabilities, give the body not only beauty, but also incredible strength. But most importantly, you will lose weight.
Great effort - effective weight loss
The training program is designed for male professionals who are fanatical about sports and want to lose weight. If you want to reach great heights and work for excellent results, follow this program. You will achieve your goal, reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat to a minimum. A combination of intense strength training and cardio will do the trick in no time. However, you will have to fulfill all the requirements very diligently and exhaustingly.
You should be ready to do five high-intensity activities in one cycle (7 days). They require stamina, good health, experience and professionalism. This scheme is not suitable for beginners and even amateurs.
With this schedule, you will be able to prepare for the competition by drying. The exercises on the basis of which the plan is built are equally suitable for both total weight loss and drying. The result determines the nutrition. If your goal is to lose weight, you have to use a low-calorie menu, but if it is a relief, it should be more high-calorie.
Required inventory
You will need professional home fitness equipment
1. Crossbar.
2. Treadmill or exercise bike.
3. Barbells.
4. Simulator for hyperextension.
5. Dumbbells.
6. Inclined bench.
7. Horizontal bench.
8. Exercise machine with upper and lower block.
9. Simulators for pumping the press
How much does a professional need to do
You will train 5 times a week. These are very complex trainings, consisting of supersets for different muscle groups. You will work on one group every 7 days. The work is done with light weight, since the main thing is to perform the required number of approaches and repetitions. At the end of the training cycle, two days are set aside for rest. It doesn't matter how you distribute the trainings to the days of the week. The main thing is not to mix them and do not swap them.
Section 2: Training Principles
Combined weight loss workouts
The program, focused on relief and weight loss for men, is built on the principle of combining different types of tasks. You will be doing supersets that are mixed with cardio loads. This combination was chosen for a reason - this way you can burn the maximum number of calories. The advantage of such training for men is that it allows you to increase the intensity of work to the maximum. In terms of effectiveness, such training is equivalent to circular strength training. Changing the types of loads can increase the effect of burning calories by several times.
The superset itself consists of two or more sets of different exercises with no rest in between. Whichever superset for men you choose and use, it will always be fat burning. These combinations require a high level of physical stamina. Therefore, this plan is for male professionals.
A man does not need a warm-up upon arrival at the gym, since he will not have to work with a lot of weight. You do not push the weight to the limit of your ability, as you must complete a large number of sets and reps. The main goal of a professional is to fulfill the schedule exactly, maintaining its high speed.
Use a treadmill as a cardio machine. If the bodybuilder cannot do this, you can replace it with an ellipsoid. Heart rate for cardio should not exceed 140 beats.
Continuous burning of calories
A man is given one lesson per week to work out one muscle group. But the intensity of the training for professionals is how high that this muscle will recover and grow next week.
The scheme of tasks for losing weight looks like this: You do one set of tasks for the muscles of the legs, then without a break, start performing the second exercise for the same group. After that, rest for 2-3 minutes and repeat what you have done. Take a break again and repeat the first tasks. Then you start cardio training.
How often and a lot to exercise for weight loss
You don't rest days between the first five weight loss workouts. Exercise every day. This is followed by two days of rest, and you are back to work within five days. A male professional's stay at the gym lasts 45-60 minutes. You will have to spend 20 minutes on a treadmill or ellipsoid alone. You can train according to the plan for professionals for 4-6 weeks. Over time, you can increase the load and dilute the scheme with other exercises.
Section 3: Exercise itself and the algorithm for their implementation
First workout
The first workout combines running on a treadmill or on an ellipsoid, as well as workouts for the muscles of the chest and abs:
I. The first five minutes you devote to the cardio equipment
… II. Superset:
1) Raising legs in support 10-15 times in 3 sets:
a) the main thing in this exercise is to twist the pelvis up a little at the end of the movement, and also keep the legs slightly bent;
b) straightening them completely is not worth it, since then the exercise loses its effect.
2) 15 incline-bench crunches (3 sets): To make it harder for yourself, choose a bench with a higher incline. You need to bend as much as possible, since lifts with a straight back will not attract the press, but the lumbar muscles to work.
III. 5 minutes on a cardio machine.
IV. Do the second superset:
1) 20 wide grip push-ups (3 sets):
a) the main thing is to keep both the back and the pelvis at the same level. If you lift your pelvis up or bend your back, the exercise will lose its effect;
b) to complicate the task - you can do claps with your palms when lifting.
2) 15 divorces with dumbbells lying at an upward angle (3 sets):
a) the inclination of the bench should not be more than 30 degrees;
b) for maximum contraction of the pectoral muscles at the top of the arm, straighten completely;
c) when lowering your arms, turn your hands slightly inward.
V. Exercise 5 minutes on a cardiovascular machine.
Vi. Doing superset 3:
1) 15 classic barbell presses (3 sets):
a) to adapt to the exercise, you can first put a soft roller under the buttocks;
b) when you sit on the bench, your eyes should be under the bar;
c) it is forbidden to perform a bench press if you are in the gym alone.
2) 15 times do a pullover with dumbbells lying down (3 sets):
a) it is better to lie down completely on the bench, and not to take a position across it;
b) do not bend your arms too much at the bottom, as you risk turning the exercise into a French press.
Vii. Finish with 5 minutes on the cardio machine.
Second workout
It combines supersets for back muscles and cardio workouts. Perform superset exercises in 3 sets.
I. Exercise for 5 minutes on a cardiovascular machine.
II. Doing superset 1:
1) Do deadlifts on straight legs 15 times:
a) your buttocks will tighten more when you bend your legs less, but do not straighten your legs completely
b) if you hunch your back when bending over (and it must be arched in the lower back), you can bend your legs a little more or not bend over so much.
2) do hyperextension 15 times:
a) use a barbell or a disc from it as a weight;
b) performing hyperextension is possible at home: you can lie down on a high bed or sofa, and your partner will hold your legs;
c) horizontal hyperextension is much more effective than oblique.
III. Spend 5 minutes on a cardio machine.
IV. Doing superset 2:
1) 15 times pull up to the chest with a wide grip:
a) make the grip as wide so that the forearms are perpendicular to the floor;
b) do not make the grip too wide, as the back muscles get a good load, but the range of motion is shortened;
c) if you stick your head forward when pulling up behind your head, do the pulling up to the chest better;
d) if you pull up behind your head - rise to the middle of the back of the head, if to the chest - to its upper part; e) go all the way down.
2) do the horizontal block row 15 times:
a) you can do the deadlift with a movable or fixed back. If you leave it motionless, only your shoulder blades and your arms move; b) never straighten your legs completely;
c) When you pull the handle towards you, try to tilt your back back, bend in the lower back and bring the shoulder blades together.
V. Spend 5 minutes on a cardio machine.
Vi. Doing superset 3:
1) 15 times pull from the upper block with a narrow handle:
a) bend your back at the top point, feed your chest forward, bring your shoulder blades;
b) at the top point, feed the body forward.
2) Perform bent-over dumbbell rows 15 times:
a) when lifting dumbbells, palms should be turned inward;
b) when lowering - back;
c) bend your legs slightly;
d) the movement of the dumbbells is performed only up and down;
e) do not spread your elbows to the sides;
f) make sure that the position of the back does not change during the execution.
Vii. Finish with 5 minutes on the cardio machine.
Third workout
In the third workout, you combine cardio loads and supersets for the muscles of the shoulders and back. Perform superset exercises in three sets.
I. Exercise 5 minutes on a cardio machine
II. Superset 1:
1) 15 hanging leg raises:
a) use the difficult option when, when pulling up your knees, you twist your pelvis up;
b) the hands during execution serve only to hold on the crossbar - you do not help yourself with them;
c) if you do not fully lower your legs - the press will be constantly tense;
d) To engage the oblique muscles of the abdomen, pull your knees not only up but also to the sides.
2) 15 crunches lying on the floor:
a) try to curl up as if you are trying to touch your knees to your forehead;
III. 5 minutes on a cardio machine.
IV. Doing superset 2:
1) 15 chest presses:
a) during execution, the pelvis must be constantly protruded - abducted beyond the line of the heels (so you do not injure the lumbar region);
b) when pressing the bar, it should be exactly above the head at the top point, it can be allowed to be positioned slightly behind the head, but not in front. c) lowering it, touching the upper chest with the bar.
2) 15 swings with dumbbells to the sides:
a) it is better to bring the dumbbells in front of you, and do not lower them on the sides of the body;
b) do not bend your elbows too much, as this is fraught with a decrease in the effectiveness of the exercise;
c) swings clearly to the sides;
d) the elbows must not be lowered - they look back;
e) Do not lift the dumbbells much higher than shoulder level.
V. Spend 5 minutes on the cardio machine.
Vi. Doing superset 3:
1) 15 seated dumbbell presses:
a) do not pause when lowering the dumbbells - immediately squeeze up;
b) the pause is made at the top point;
c) squeeze to the end, and lower so that the dumbbell touches the edge of the shoulders.
2) 15 standing barbell braces:
a) pull the bar in a straight path as close to the body as possible;
b) the range of motion is greater in the narrow grip;
c) focus on raising your elbows as high as possible in relation to the bar.
Vii. Spend 5 minutes on the cardio machine.
Fourth workout
This workout combines cardio training (ellipsoid or treadmill) with leg muscle supersets. Perform each exercise in supersets in 3 sets.
I. Spend 5 minutes on a cardio machine.
II. Superset 1:
1) Perform hyperextension 15 times: a) lie down on a high surface and let your wife or partner hold your legs; 2) Do 15 lunges with dumbbells: a) to make the exercise more effective, put your foot not on the floor, but on a dais up to 20 cm high; b) spread your legs slightly to the sides to better maintain balance; c) keep your back leg on your toe; d) go down as low as possible, and straighten your legs completely; e) it is permissible to slightly tilt the body forward; f) do not push your knee in front of the toe.
III. Spend 5 minutes on a cardio machine.
IV. Superset 2:
1) 15 squats with a barbell on the shoulders:
a) the narrower you put your feet, the more the front of the thigh strains;
b) if the legs are wider, the load falls on the back of it;
c) if you keep lifting your heels off the floor, put a support under them (2 cm);
d) the knees are directed to where the socks look during the squat;
e) The glutes work harder if you squat lower.
2) 15 leg curls in the lying machine:
a) safer for the knees when they hang slightly from the stand, and not rest against it;
b) the roller should rest on the ankle closer to the heel;
c) bend your legs all the way so that the roller touches your buttocks.
V. Spend 5 minutes on a cardio machine.
Vi. Superset 3:
1) 15 leg presses in the simulator:
a) the wider you put your legs and spread your knees to the sides, the more the inner thigh works;
b) the front of the thigh works more if the legs are already standing;
c) the lower you lower the platform, the more the buttocks will be involved in the work;
d) the pelvis must not come off the support.
2) 15 leg extensions in the simulator: a) the inner thigh is more loaded when you turn the socks inward, the front when you do the opposite.
Vii. Finish with five minutes on the cardio machine.
Fifth workout
This workout combines training on an ellipsoid or treadmill with supersets for triceps and biceps.
I. Start With Five Minutes On A Cardiovascular Machine
II. Superset 1:
1) 15 Triceps Dips:
b) lower yourself until your shoulder is on the same level with your elbow or below it;
c) for better triceps work, pull your elbows back, and choose narrow bars.
2) 15 repetitions of the French press with dumbbells standing:
a) Lower and straighten your arms to the end;
b) the elbows must be motionless;
c) the load on the triceps will decrease when other muscles are connected, which happens when the elbows dangle;
d) so that the dumbbell does not hit you in the neck, lower it slowly.
III. Spend 5 minutes on a cardio machine.
IV. Superset 2:
1) 15 reverse grip pull-ups:
a) do not put your hands close to each other;
b) make a grip only slightly narrower than shoulder width;
c) go down to the end and go up too;
d) Serve the chest forward at the top.
2) 15 repetitions of the Hammer exercise:
a) do not throw the dumbbell up, lifting it to the very shoulder (with such actions, the biceps relaxes, and at the top point its tension should be maximum);
b) do not swing, lifting dumbbells by inertia;
c) at the lowest point, relax the biceps, straightening your arms to the end.
V. Spend 5 minutes on a cardio machine.
Vi. Superset 3:
1) 15 standing barbell curls:
a) do not grip already shoulders;
b) unbend your arms to the very end, but you should not bend them to the end. Keep the hand slightly in front of the elbow;
c) while lifting the bar, bring your elbows forward a little to induce a stronger contraction of the biceps;
d) do not swing and do not help yourself with your legs or your back.
2) 15 arm extensions from the upper block:
a) try not to lean forward almost;
b) fix the elbows in one position.
Vii. Finish with five minutes on the cardio machine.