How To Create A Training Program Yourself

How To Create A Training Program Yourself
How To Create A Training Program Yourself

There is no woman who is absolutely satisfied with her figure. The fair sex all the time does not like something - either the thighs are too full, then the stomach sticks out, then the inner side of the arms is flabby. To correct all imperfections, you need to draw up a training program yourself, taking into account all your problem areas.

How to create a training program yourself
How to create a training program yourself

Even regular visits to the fitness club will not help you get closer to your ideal figure if you mechanically perform all the exercises in a row. It is necessary to clearly understand where you want to remove and where to add.

Select target

If it occurred to you to develop a training plan, and not just run from time to time, then you know for sure the inaccuracies of your physique. First of all, decide - you want to lose weight or build muscle.

In the presence of excess weight, aerobic exercise is indicated, training the cardiovascular system and burning fat through oxygen. With a lack of muscle mass, strength exercises are necessary, which should be changed every 1, 5-2 months, since the muscles quickly adapt and stop responding to the load.

It is not enough to decide on the type of load, it is necessary to clearly state how much you want to lose / gain. Mark yourself in a notebook that by such and such a date you want to have a waist, for example, 65 cm, and hips 95 cm. Exercise intensively until you reach your goal.

Keep a diary

Those who have lost weight at least once in their life know what a food diary is. After you decide to draw up a training program yourself, you need to keep a figure diary, where you will record daily how many repetitions and approaches you have performed.

And once a week it is necessary to record an intermediate result. If he stopped at a certain point, and you have not yet reached the goal, you need to change the training plan, increase the load or add a balanced diet.

Focus on problem areas

The body loses weight gradually and evenly - this is a fact. But all the same, with a targeted load, you can pay attention to individual parts of the body. Those that need adjustment the most.

For example, let's say you decide to develop a workout plan to tighten your legs and inner thighs. The main strength exercises will be squats with weights, plie, stretching the hamstrings and calf muscles, and swings. But it's worth adding the general load - the obligatory warm-up to the first sweat, static poses like a straight and side plank.

In the same way, cardio loads for losing excess weight must be diluted with endurance exercises and to strengthen muscles - push-ups, swinging the press, etc.

For training to be effective, it is necessary to alternate loads on different muscle groups. For example, do the upper and lower body every other day. This will give your muscles a chance to rest and recover.
