How To Determine Weight By Height

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How To Determine Weight By Height
How To Determine Weight By Height

Video: How To Determine Weight By Height

Video: How To Determine Weight By Height
Video: How Much Should You Weigh For Your Height, Gender, And Body Frame Size? 2024, October

Women are meticulous about their weight changes. However, here it is important not to overdo it and stay within the normal range for your height and physique.

How to determine weight by height
How to determine weight by height


Step 1

The most common method to find out if your height-to-weight ratio is normal is to calculate the Quetelet index, the body mass index. This index is equal to the ratio of body weight in kilograms to the square of height in meters. For example, if a person weighs 50 kg, and his height is 165 cm, then BMI = 50/1, 65² = 50/2, 7225 = 18, 4.

If the body mass index ranges from 20-25, then the person has a normal weight for his height. In our example, there is a weight deficit. They talk about real problems with being overweight when BMI is> 30.

Step 2

Another relationship between weight and height is established by Broca's formula. Broca's formula allows you to set the ideal weight for three types of people. Short people (up to 165 cm) calculate the ideal weight according to the formula: weight = height, cm - 100 cm. People of average height (166 - 174 cm) take an additional 5 cm: weight = height, cm - 105 cm. Tall people (from 175 cm) must have weight: weight = height, cm - 110 cm Let's return to our example and see that a person with a height of 165 cm should have a weight of 165 - 100 = 65 kg.

Step 3

These two formulas have a certain drawback, they do not take into account the body type of a person. Science distinguishes three types of physique: asthenics, normosthenics and hypersthenics. Body type can be determined by the Soloviev method by measuring the circumference of the wrist. In women-asthenics, the wrist is thinner than 15 cm (for men - 18 cm), in women-normostenics, the circumference of the wrist can be from 15 to 17 cm (for men - 18-20 cm), in hypersthenics - more than 17 cm (in men more than 20 cm) Brock's formula is calculated for normosthenics. For asthenic body type, subtract 10% from its result, and add 10% for hypersthenic type.
