Obesity is the disease of our century. However, there are times when a person considers himself complete, without having the slightest reason for this, except for his subjective point of view. Meanwhile, the concept of "ideal weight" exists, and it is quite objective. The ideal weight is calculated using different formulas.

Step 1
Simple Formula This is the most common way to calculate your normal body weight. Take your height in centimeters and subtract the number from it: - 110 if you are a woman;
- 100 if you are a man, resulting in your normal weight. If the actual weight is significantly different from it in a big way, boycott the refrigerator and go to the gym.
Step 2
BMI (Body Mass Index) Formula Take your weight in kg, divide by your height in meters, before squared. The result is your body mass index. The norm is a BMI in the range of 19-25. BMI less than 19 signals a lack of mass, more than 25 - about overweight, more than 30 - about obesity, more than 40 - about severe obesity.
Step 3
Lorentz formula 1. Subtract 100 from your height (in cm);
2. Then again subtract 150 from your height (in cm) and divide the result in half;
3. From the number obtained in step 1, subtract the number obtained in step 2. The result is your ideal weight.
Step 4
Bongard's formula Take your height (in centimeters) and multiply by your breast volume. Divide the resulting number by 240. The result is your ideal weight. So, for example, with a height of 160 centimeters and a chest volume of 96 centimeters, a weight of 64 kilograms would be ideal.