Pumped, large pectoral muscles are what everyone who goes to the gym wants to achieve. It must be understood that this result can only be achieved through constant intensive training. If you really want to build your chest muscles, you have to be prepared for a series of exercises that must be repeated systematically to build your chest.

It is necessary
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Step 1
First, press on a straight bench. Lie on a bench and grab the bar with a wide grip. Remove the bar from the rack. Slowly lower it to your chest? before touching. With a sharp jerk, lift the barbell. Repeat this exercise for six sets of eight repetitions each.
Step 2
Use dumbbells on a straight bench. Pick up two dumbbells and lift them above you. Extend your arms with dumbbells to the sides to the level of your body, slightly bending your arms, and then slowly raise the dumbbells to their original position, straining your pectoral muscles. Repeat this exercise for six sets of ten repetitions each.
Step 3
Use an incline bench and repeat the press and set you did on the straight bench with the same number of reps and sets.
Step 4
For this exercise, you will need a spotter who will pitch and take the dumbbell. Perform a pullover on a straight bench. Lie on a bench, put your hands behind your head. Take the dumbbell that you should be served with both hands and pull it in a wide arc with both hands over your head. Lower it behind your head and pull it out again. Do five sets of six repetitions each.
Step 5
Use the pectoral trainer to complete the pectoral workout. Grasp the handles of the simulator, put your elbows in the stops of this simulator. With a push motion, bring your hands together so that the handles of the simulator touch. Do four sets of ten repetitions each.