Bi-orientation stands for a fairly stable romantic feeling, attraction of representatives of the same sex (male or female) to people of both their own and the opposite sex. Most Russians classify bisexuals as the so-called LGBT sex minorities, and especially radical homophobes even as perverts and sick. But the World Health Organization, sexologists and psychiatrists have a completely opposite opinion.

Targeting against homophobia
Orientation is one of the four components of human sexuality, along with biological (passport) sex, gender identity, which determines the mental content of a person, and gender role. That is, in what kind of field a person lives in society. There are three types of it:
- heterosexual, traditionally considered to be the main one, and without much evidence, unfounded (a man's attraction to a woman and vice versa);
- homosexual (man + man and woman + woman);
- bisexual (man + man or woman, woman + woman or man).
An orientation of one of the three possible types appears in a person from the moment of his birth, laid down by nature from the very beginning. By itself, it also does not disappear and is not treated. Unlike, for example, biological sex, which is corrected by most transsexuals. Another thing is that for its manifestation in a person and openness, some extraneous factors, external stimuli are sometimes required. For example, love or, conversely, divorce from her husband. But much more often men and women realize and discover their true orientation on their own, as they grow up and learn about the world.
It is this fact, which has long been proven by psychiatrists and the WHO (World Health Organization), who excluded homosexuality and bisexuality from the list of mental illnesses, that a large part of the brutal and still largely patriarchal Russian society does not understand and does not want to understand. Even at the present time, she is quite aggressively disposed towards representatives of other orientations, different from the heterosexual one that is more familiar to them. Such aggression, not only physical, but also psychological, moral, in the form of discrimination, is called homophobia and gives rise to organizations like the extremist Occupy Pedophilia.
According to Freud
Bi-orientation, among others, was seriously studied at one time by the famous Austrian scientist Sigmund Freud. It was he who, based on the knowledge of human anatomy, biology and physiology, on the scientific developments of his colleague Wilhelm Fliess, introduced the concept of such a human phenomenon as "bisexuality", dividing it into female - female bisexual and male - male bisexual. According to Freud and Fliess, all people on Earth are bisexual and are born. But later, during upbringing, they also become homosexual or heterosexual. However, not all researchers agree with the founder of Freudianism, as mentioned above.
By the way, in recent years such a concept as "pansexuality" has also appeared. Pansexuals are people for whom, in sex and life, it is not the biological sex of the potential partner, his gender and orientation that is important, but the person himself, his content. Based on this, they, even if only theoretically, are capable of having any of three possible orientations. Scientists also clearly distinguish between sexual orientation and sexual behavior. This means that a person who is able to love representatives of both sexes hides and even denies his true nature. And in society, he usually plays the role of a "real heterosexual." Moreover, it is often forced in order to avoid manifestations of homophobic aggression or discrimination. First of all, this applies to men who are more inclined to fear the negative reaction of others.
Tsvetaeva and her "Friend"
It is customary in Russian society to hide one's orientation, as something rather intimate, and not to expose to the judgment of others. That is why, as a rule, many public actions of Russian LGBT activists, a public organization that formally unite lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, do not meet with understanding and approval. Such as, for example, film festivals held in large cities under the rainbow flag, sports competitions, flash mobs, gay pride parades and other similar actions with the expression of an anti-homophobic position and calls for tolerance.
By the way, it is rather difficult to call LGBT an organization of like-minded people. Rather, it is a kind of semi-amorphous and not very viable education without foreign grants, in which, for some reason, several different-colored and not very connected social groups were united at once on the basis of sexual orientation. In particular, it is no secret that bisexuals and transsexuals, especially women, are not overly respected by some "true" lesbians, as they think they are. By the way, the same transsexuals have nothing to do with the so-called sexual minorities, also dividing into homo-, hetero- and bi-oriented women (MtF) and men (FtM).
Self-respecting gays and lesbians are quite difficult to recognize and somehow distinguish outwardly from the general mass, although some of them sometimes give themselves out. For example, researchers of the life and work of the famous Russian poetess Marina Tsvetaeva knew very well that she loved not only men, including her husband Sergei Efron, but also women. For example, another famous poetess Sophia Parnok, to whom she even dedicated a cycle of poems "Girlfriend". It is Tsvetaeva who owns such famous lines: “To love only women (a woman) or only men (a man), knowingly excluding the usual opposite - what a horror! But only women (for a man) or only men (for a woman), deliberately excluding unusual relatives - what boredom! ".
A holiday of bisexuality
Few have probably heard that there is a Bisexuality Day in the world. It appeared on September 23, 1999 on the initiative of several bi-activists from the International Association of Gays and Lesbians in the United States, becoming a kind of response to homophobic prejudices and attacks of both heterosexual marginalized people and individual representatives of LGBT people themselves. The holiday is celebrated with meetings, discussions and even thematic carnivals not only in the USA, but also in Great Britain, Germany, Canada, New Zealand, Sweden, Japan and some other countries.