What could be the reasons that a person cannot pull up even once?
The article will tell you how to learn them, reveal important nuances associated with the need for physical activity, and share useful tips.

Absolutely every person can pull up on the horizontal bar. This is not difficult to learn. No matter how trite it may sound, in order to learn how to pull up, you need to go jump on the bar and pull yourself up. All that is required of you is work, rest and patience. If this is a lot for you, you can skip reading.
What is the reason for the fact that a person cannot pull up? It's very simple, such a person lacks strength and endurance. Unfortunately, modern living conditions reduce human movements to disgrace. The comfort in our life is so high that physical activity is enough for almost everyone.
Pull-ups on the bar are, as everyone knows, a versatile apparatus that can say a lot about your physical fitness. In the army, this is the most basic exercise, because pull-ups develop muscle strength and endurance, and also have a beneficial effect on the spine.
If you cannot pull up even once, then you urgently need to start exercising on yourself. Indeed, in addition to strength and a beautiful figure, you will take care of your health, since the muscles that are in good shape help the heart to do its main work.
Muscles serve as a kind of "pump". And in order for these pumps to work properly, thereby reducing the load on the heart, it is necessary that they be strong.
Pull-ups will help you with this better than anyone else. And before you climb on the horizontal bar, it would not hurt to prepare your muscles for hard work.
To do this, you need to start doing push-ups. And if you are overweight, then you definitely need to lose it.
It also happens that people can pull up more than once with excess weight. However, everyone's body is different, you should not once again put a huge load on the heart. Therefore, it is better to lose weight by walking or jogging, not forgetting about a moderate diet.
Tip: Drink plenty of clean water a day (1-2 liters). Tea, coffee and compotes do not count. Only clean water before meals, and not during meals. Preferably thawed!
Push-ups are great for strengthening the muscles of the arms and chest. To these exercises, you can add work with weights or dumbbells, which will also contribute. It's important to get good rest after every workout. Muscle pain after it indicates fitness, so you need to rest for several days (3-5) for the muscles to fully recover.
After some preparation, when your muscles have grown stronger thanks to push-ups and weights, you can go to the horizontal bar and start learning to pull up. You may be able to immediately pull up several times, but if not, do not despair. The best exercise for you is negative pull-ups or pull-ups with the help of a partner. Although the former is more effective.
To perform negative pull-ups, stand on a stand or chair, and lock in a position as if you have already pulled up, your head should be above the bar. Next, remove your legs from the support and lower yourself as slowly as possible. You can linger in some positions, but the most important thing that you cannot hold is your breath.
Do as many times as you have enough strength until you can lower yourself slowly from the bar.
A few approaches should probably be enough for you. You can jump off the horizontal bar and go to rest. In the morning, you may feel good muscle fatigue.
After a few days off, go back to work and do the same. Now do two, three, or more sets, depending on your condition.
Try doing full pull-ups. After a long workout on negative pull-ups, you should already have the strength to master the pull of your weight to the bar completely.
As soon as you pull up one or more times, congratulations, your numbers go up!
You shouldn't stop, let alone relax.
Now you need to increase the number of pull-ups and the exercise technique itself.
Important: The thumb should be under the bar, not over it! Don't hang like a monkey!
Pull-ups should be clean and jerk-free. You need to tighten the body until the chest touches the bar. And to increase their number, work harder, increasing the number of reps and sets (approaches).
If you only pull up once or twice, do pull-ups with minimal rest in time (15-30 seconds). If you're doing more pull-ups, do more sets, and don't forget about fixed exercises. Linger over the bar and weigh as long as possible until the arms begin to drop by themselves.
Most importantly, give your muscles a good rest. If you come to exercise and hear that it has become harder for you to pull up than the last time, immediately jump off and go home to rest, since your muscles have not yet fully recovered.
Only by such hard work can you gradually increase your results and achieve success. You don't even need special "over" programs, just "go and do it."
Regular training and patience will allow you to achieve your goal of pulling cleanly and technically.
And if you want to go further, then you should do complicated pull-ups with additional weight (vest, pancake, kettlebell, partner) and on one arm. This will make you even stronger and stronger.