Many women, striving to acquire the desired forms, are excessively involved in sports, and this is noticeably reflected in the figure not for the better. And if, in combination with loads, the wrong diet is used, then the pumped muscles on the legs, waist and arms are provided, which, you must admit, does not greatly adorn a fragile girl. There are several simple ways to remove muscles.

Step 1
Limit your carbohydrate intake. Many people want to reduce the fat in their diet, so they start eating grains, sugary fruits and starchy vegetables. But, by consuming a large amount of carbohydrates, even if they are found in healthy foods, you must completely waste them on energy. If the costs are less than the consumed carbohydrates, then they are converted into fats and in the same way are deposited on the body over the muscles.
Step 2
Be especially wary of fatty and sugary foods, as they build up unnecessary water in the muscles and contribute to the accumulation of fat around them. Eat right with a preference for protein foods such as cottage cheese, eggs, chicken fillets, and use a variety of spices and seasonings to add a variety of flavors to your meals.
Step 3
Cardio exercises are the main helpers in removing bulky muscles. Do aerobics at least twice a day: in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening, two hours after dinner.
Step 4
Running, cycling, walking dry the leg muscles well. But the secret is that the physical activity is not great, but prolonged. That is, if you ride a bike, then do it at a walking pace for at least 2-3 hours. As for walking, a daily two-hour walk in the fresh air will delight you with the result, as well as give you a good mood for new workouts.
Step 5
Stretching helps make muscles more elastic, flexible, and less bulky. Exercise daily to stretch your legs, torso, and arms. A slow pace and a long time - about an hour is also preferable.
Step 6
Watch your changes - keep a nutrition and exercise diary. If you notice that the change in shape has stopped, and the muscles have the same carbohydrate content by a quarter, or increase physical activity. Monitor your energy and take vitamins if you feel faint.
Step 7
Take up yoga. Static yoga asanas are aimed at increasing the tone of the body, at its flexibility and strength, and the muscles, on the contrary, become thinner, more elastic and strong.