Established beauty standards make you wonder how much your weight meets these standards. Many formulas are designed for the average person. But for a man, this calculation is a little underestimated, so you should not blindly strive to achieve it.

- - calculator;
- - data on their height and weight.
Step 1
To calculate your normal weight using Broca's formula, measure your height. Subtract 110 from this figure in centimeters if you are under 40, or subtract 100 if you are over 40.
Step 2
If you have an asthenic physique (thin bone), subtract 10% from the result. If you have a wide bone - hypersthenic physique, then add 10% to the result. Using this formula, you can quite accurately determine the weight, since it takes into account not only height, but also age and body type. Age must be taken into account, as, growing up, a person gains weight, but these kilograms are not superfluous.
Step 3
Use your body mass index (BMI) to determine if you are overweight. It is also called the Quetelet index. Measure your height (in meters) and weight (in kilograms). Divide weight by height squared. The result shows which weight category you belong to. For a man, a BMI value of 20 to 25 is considered the norm.
Step 4
If your BMI is less than 20, then you have a lack of muscle mass. Sign up for a gym, build up your muscles. If the BMI is in the range of 25-30, this indicates a slight excess weight, which can be easily corrected by playing sports or leading an active lifestyle. If the index is 30-40, then you need to take measures to get rid of significant excess weight. Here, physical exercises alone will not help - you need to contact a nutritionist, give up bad habits.
Step 5
If your BMI is over 40, check to see if you have any serious health problems. This weight is already obesity, which you need to fight not on your own, but only after consulting a doctor. Obesity can be caused by a chronic disease of the endocrine system. If left untreated, heart disease can develop, as it is difficult for him to cope with increased stress.