Many people want to look like a photo model, observing world standards. Someone thinks that the correct weight is the height minus 110, but this is not entirely true. What is the correct weight and how to determine it?

Step 1
Measure the circumference of your wrist. In order to calculate your ideal weight, you need to take into account the constitution. If the girth of the wrist is from 13 to 14 centimeters - the body mass index should range from 18.5 to 20. If the girth of the wrist is from 14.5-16.5 centimeters - the ideal BMI is 21-23. If the girth of the wrist is 17-18 centimeters, your BMI is within 24-25. BMI should not be counted on young people under 18 and pregnant women.
Step 2
Calculate your BMI. To do this, divide the weight in kilograms by the height in square meters. If your weight is 61 kilograms, height is 1 meter 68 centimeters, then 61/1, 68 * 1, 68 = 21, 6. If the wrist is 14, 5-16, 5 - this is your correct weight. If the BMI is less than the permissible norm, this is a lack of weight, and if it is more, it is excess.
Step 3
Also, BMI is calculated based on gender and age. In women, a BMI of less than 19 means underweight. Normal weight - from 19 to 24, overweight - from 24 to 30, obesity starts with a BMI = 30. If your BMI rises to 40, you have excessive morbid obesity. Self-medication is impossible, an urgent need to consult a doctor.
Step 4
BMI less than 20 in men indicates a lack of weight, from 20 to 25 - you are of normal weight, from 25 to 30 - overweight, obesity begins at BMI = 30. If your BMI reaches 40, you are morbidly obese.
Step 5
The correct weight can also be calculated using the following parameters, taking into account gender, age and BMI. In young people from 19 to 24 years old, the average BMI for women is 19.5, for men - 21.4. For people from 25 to 34 years old, the average BMI for women is 23.2, for men - 21.6. 35 to 44 years old - the average value for women is 23.4, for men - 22.9. From 45 to 54 years old - the average BMI for women is 25.2, for men - 25.8. From 55 to 64 years old - BMI for women 26, men - 25, 8. After 65 years, women have an average BMI = 27, 3, and men - 26, 6.
Step 6
Measure around your waist and hips. Now divide the value of the waist circumference by the circumference of the hips. For women, the value should be no more than 0.85, and for men - no more than 1. If the value exceeds the permissible norm, you need to remove extra pounds.