Often, after exhausting diets and strenuous exercise in the gym, when the goal of "losing weight" is achieved, a person returns to the previous rhythm of life and his usual diet. And then the kilos come back. To maintain the achieved result and maintain weight, simple rules should be followed.

It is necessary
Willpower, positive attitude
Step 1
Drink a glass of pure water (or preferably two) every morning on an empty stomach. Drink water regularly throughout the day. The total daily volume is determined by body weight. For every kilogram of weight, you need 30 ml of water. Not carbonated or sweet. It is recommended to drink water or tea without sugar and when you feel hungry, this way you will fool your stomach.
Step 2
Pauses between meals should be no more than 3-4 hours. Feel free to divide your usual portion in half. Do not eat before bed. The fact is that between 11 o'clock in the evening and 8 o'clock in the morning, the body is not very active, therefore, the process of not assimilating food, but converting it into fat takes place.
Step 3
Try not to diversify your diet too much immediately after the diet. Monotonous food annoys and discourages appetite. Compensate for the lack of minerals and vitamins with vegetables and fruits (you can use dietary supplements and multivitamins).
Step 4
If during the diet you did not eat fatty and carbohydrate-rich foods, do not pounce on them after you have managed to lose those extra pounds. Keep them in your diet, but in small amounts. If you are tired of consuming raw vegetables during the diet, you can boil or stew them, and bake fresh fruits in the oven. However, you cannot completely refuse these products.
Step 5
Continue your fitness activities whenever possible. Physical activity can be slightly reduced in comparison with those that you prescribed for yourself during the diet (or prescribed by the trainer), but you should not completely abandon exercise, jogging and your favorite exercise equipment.