Surely you at least occasionally wanted to become more beautiful and slimmer, to give the appearance those features that you lack, and to achieve perfection. Paying attention to the beauty of your body and making efforts to maintain it, you, thereby, support your intellectual and creative forces - a person who keeps himself in shape automatically becomes successful and perfect in his other affairs. To keep fit, you just need to follow a few simple rules.

Step 1
Sport is a key aspect of your lifestyle. Trainings should be regular and cyclical. Their intensity may depend on your current state of health, time of year, and other conditions. Regular training is about progress and movement.
Step 2
Also remember that physical activity will not have the desired effect if you do not eat right. Eliminate fatty and high-calorie foods from the diet, do not overeat, eat often and in small portions.
Step 3
Within half an hour after sports training, consume 50-100 g of carbohydrates, which are found in potatoes, rice, pasta, bananas and other foods. Carbohydrate cocktails are also well absorbed after workouts.
Step 4
Drink a protein shake one hour after your workout or eat a meal that contains protein for tissue repair. Include fish, poultry, egg whites, turkey, and milkshakes in your diet.
Step 5
Another important point necessary for a healthy person who keeps himself in shape is sleep. Sleep at least 6-8 hours a day - this is the time the body needs to rest and recuperate.
Step 6
Getting enough sleep will help you stay healthy, alert, and strong. Avoid overwork, depression, and stress. Plan your day to keep up with everything - work, workouts, walks, reading books, watching movies, and more.
Step 7
During the day, you should always have a small amount of free time where you can relax and unwind. Enjoy life - only cheerful people can be truly beautiful.
Step 8
Do not forget about body care - take a contrast shower, use masks, scrubs and body peels, go for a preventive massage.