Surely at a young age, you thought about how to learn how to run fast and not get tired while feeling superior to your friends. Running fast is especially important for some sports. So, by studying some techniques and making every effort, you will achieve excellent results.

Step 1
Take short, short runs every morning. Alternate brisk walking with intense jogging, try to monitor your breathing. After two weeks, you will have built up good stamina with extended distance runs and rhythm changes.
Step 2
Combine regular jogging in the morning with strength training to help you improve your most important characteristics - length and cadence. Stand straight with one foot in front of the other one step, arms at your sides. Push off as much as possible with your leg outstretched and jump forward sharply, while lifting the knee of the other leg as high as possible. When landing, do not stop, immediately perform the second jump, pushing off with the opposite leg. Do 15-20 of these exercises daily.
Step 3
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with your back straight. Sit down as low as possible and jump up sharply, while raising and pulling your arms. Try to jump as high as possible. When landing, do not take any steps, try to stay in place. After landing at the starting point, jump again and stretch your arms up. Do 15-20 of these exercises.
Step 4
Going out into the street, you should not immediately run, take five to ten minutes of light warm-up, work out your joints. Do the simplest exercises: squats, arm and leg swings, calf stretches, and torso rotations. Walk at an accelerated pace to increase your heart rate. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale fully through your mouth.
Step 5
Pay special attention to breathing while running, this will help you run and not get tired. Inhale with your nose, exhale through your mouth. Due to this, the lungs are evenly saturated with oxygen. While breathing in and out through the mouth, the pectoral muscles and lungs do not develop, and the body consumes significantly more oxygen. Breathe as deeply as possible, the rhythm should be calm and measured.