Unfortunately, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the abdomen in 3 days - this requires a long-term comprehensive approach, which includes proper nutrition and significant physical activity, however, fasting days will help to make it a little less: arrange for yourself 3 fasting days, choosing a certain one for each day. product.

Step 1
Arrange an apple fasting day only if you do not have stomach problems. Buy 1.5-2 kg of apples and eat them in 5-6 meals a day. Bake half of the apples - this way you get more pectin.
For a fruit fasting day, the following products are suitable: pears, bananas, watermelon.
Step 2
If you have no problems with the use of dairy products, feel free to arrange a kefir fasting day. Buy 1.5 liters of kefir and drink it throughout the day. You should have 5-6 meals in total.
In addition, according to the same principle, you can arrange a milk fasting day or cottage cheese: buy 400 g of cottage cheese, divide it into 4-5 meals, once a day you can drink a cup of coffee, and add a couple of tablespoons of bran to the cottage cheese.
Step 3
Meat fasting day. The advantages of a meat day are that meat gives a feeling of satiety, but if you have problems with the kidneys or liver, it is better not to "put" yourself on a meat mono-diet. Buy 400 g of lean beef or chicken fillet, boil and eat, eat some vegetables (cucumbers or cabbage) as a side dish.
In addition to meat, any lean fish is perfect - stick to the same nutritional guidelines.
Step 4
Buckwheat fasting day. Buckwheat contains a huge number of trace elements. Buckwheat porridge combined with kefir will cleanse your intestines. Boil a glass of cereals, do not salt, buy a liter of 1% kefir and eat during the day. You can eat exclusively buckwheat all 3 days without causing much harm to the body.
Step 5
Rice fasting day is not as useful as buckwheat, but no less effective. Boil a glass of rice in two glasses of water and divide over 3 meals.
Step 6
Vegetable fasting day: 2 kg of cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, eat during the day, divide everything into 5-6 meals.