The beer belly grows gradually. Yesterday it seemed to you that everything was fine, but suddenly a moment came, you glanced in the mirror and realized that it grew in you too. First, the question arises: where did it come from and how to remove it. And the first answer that comes to mind is all about drinking beer. And to get rid of this hated belly, you just need to stop drinking it. This opinion is wrong.

Step 1
It turned out that the growth of the abdomen was initially associated with beer. The more you drink it, the more your beer belly grows. Apparently, this is due to the fact that having poured several liters of beer into oneself, they get a distended stomach, in which this beer splashes for a while, and the belly increases because of this. In fact, beer stimulates the appetite and significantly improves the digestibility of food. For this reason, many immediately give up beer. Not only beer stimulates appetite, but practically any alcohol. You need to exclude any alcohol from your menu and it will already be easier.
Step 2
Next, you need to give up fatty and spicy foods. No sausages, cheeses, chips, mayonnaise and other products that contain animal fats. You have to choose: either they are or the figure.
Step 3
There is no need to make new stocks and actively consume apples, bananas and so on. A distended stomach, accustomed to receiving a plate of food, washed down with a mug of beer, will demand food. Pull yourself together and wait until it shrinks to normal size. Drinking plenty of water will help reduce stomach grunting.
Step 4
Even if you consume half of the food you used to consume, this does not mean that you are eating enough little. Find a table of food calories online and calculate how many calories you consume per day, and then calculate how many of them are spent per day. You need to spend more than you use.
Step 5
It takes a lot of perseverance. Many, without waiting for the results, give up and indulge in all seriousness. This means only one thing - they just did not try to do anything. It will not be possible to remove the beer belly very quickly, but even after a couple of weeks of serious restrictions on food and active physical exercise, the result will be more than noticeable.