It is difficult to meet a girl who would not dream of elastic inflated buttocks. Regardless of the initial build, it is up to everyone to bring their ass closer to the ideal.

The first step on the path to a pumped-up, beautifully contoured buttocks is getting rid of excess body fat. The fact is that all muscle tissue is located under adipose tissue. Therefore, in order to be able to see the muscles, you need to get rid of fat. The best helper in this is a balanced diet and cardio exercise. The easiest and most effective way to lose weight is jogging. It is enough to run for 40 minutes three times a week in order to gradually lose unnecessary pounds without harming your health. In the gym you can work out on a treadmill, stationary bike, ellipsoid.
In parallel with cardio exercises, strength training is necessary. After all, it is they that contribute to the growth of muscle tissue, strengthening and tightening the buttocks. The most important and necessary exercise is squats. At the first stages of training, it is enough to squat with your own weight, and then gradually increase the load, adding weights.
The correct squat technique is that the exercise must be performed with a straight back. The stomach is pulled in. Sitting down, you must make sure that your knees do not go beyond the line of the toes. In this case, the buttocks should go back, imitating the movement in which a person sits on a low chair. The lower the squat, the more efficiently the muscles of the buttocks work.
You need to squat 10-15 times, thus making 3-4 approaches. The gym has a Smith machine. It is a fixed bar, using which you can squat along an isolated trajectory. Performing an exercise on this simulator, you can pump up beautiful rounded buttocks in the shortest possible time.
Do not neglect lunges. Dumbbell lunges also help to strengthen and define the gluteus muscles. At the same time, it is important to observe the technique of the exercise - the knee does not protrude beyond the line of the socks, the back is straightened, and the press is tense.
Exercise regularly, and your buttocks will be admired by the representatives of the stronger half of humanity and envy - by the weaker sex.