In the art of belly dance, waves and rolls of the belly occupy a special place, when the dancer's body remains practically motionless and only smooth waves roll over her belly, as if completely independent of her will. This technique always makes a great impression on the audience, since it not only looks like an effective element of the dance, but is also perceived as something very complex and inaccessible to an ordinary person.

Step 1
In fact, learning how to make a belly wave is quite possible even for beginner dancers. The main thing in this is understanding the mechanism of this technique and the correct distribution of attention. Moreover, a vertical wave, in which the muscles roll along the entire abdomen, from top to bottom and from bottom to top, is easier to master than a horizontal transverse one.
Step 2
A vertical wave in the abdomen is created by sequential tension and relaxation of the muscles of the lower and upper abs. Therefore, in order to learn how to perform it, you must have a good feel for these muscles of yours and be able to voluntarily strain them. The general tone of the muscles is also of great importance. It is impossible to create a beautiful wave with untrained, weak muscles. Therefore, you will have to start regularly pumping your abdominals to master this technique.
Step 3
To feel the muscles of your upper and lower abs, do the following exercise. Lie on the floor, stretch your arms along your body and straighten your legs. Then lift your upper body without sitting fully upright. Pay attention to which muscles are tightening with this movement. This is your upper abs. Then lower yourself back down to the floor and raise your legs slightly above the floor. You will feel tension in the lower abdomen under the belly button - this is the lower abs.
Step 4
Now stand on your feet, straighten, lower your arms along your body and try to tighten the muscles of the upper press with a conscious effort. Pay particular attention to keeping your lower abs relaxed. It is possible that the first time you will not succeed. Do not be upset, calmly continue your attempts. Also, alternately tighten the muscles of the lower press. This usually works better.
Step 5
Once you've gotten your upper and lower abs to contract separately during your standing position, try to combine their movement into a common movement. Tighten your upper abs - relax, tighten your lower abs and also relax. You will have a wave. Repeat this action in reverse order from bottom to top. Try to ensure that the transition of tension from the lower press to the upper press and back goes smoothly, without pronounced jolts. As a result, you should have a soft, flowing wave that will look like a single movement.