A set of exercises and helpful recommendations from specialists will help you achieve toned and elastic buttocks in a short time. You can do it without leaving your home. The only condition is high-quality and regular training.

Step 1
To achieve a good result, you need to perform a set of exercises systematically. This means that regardless of the degree of employment and mood, you should find time for training. After a month of regular training, it will be possible to evaluate the result. Your buttocks will become firmer and tighter.
Step 2
During exercise, you should give the muscles a little rest, stretching them a little. There are special exercises for this. Sit on the floor with your feet apart. Lean your body forward, trying to reach with your arms as far as possible. Lock in this position for 3-5 seconds. Return to the original position. Please note: when performing this exercise, you should not tear your buttocks off the floor surface.
Step 3
Leg swings are considered the most effective exercise for the buttocks. Take the starting position. Get on your knees with your elbows bent. Keep your head straight without throwing it back or tilting it. Bend your right leg at the knee at an angle of 90 degrees and lift it up as much as possible. Make sure your foot is parallel to the floor. Gradually return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise on the other leg. Try to keep your back as relaxed as possible when performing the swings. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times on each leg.
Step 4
Get on all fours. Bend your arms at the elbows and rest on the surface of the floor. Pull the right leg back, the left leg bent at the knee. Pull the sock towards you to create tension in the back of your thighs. Perform sharp swings with your leg until it stops, pumping at the end point. The right leg should always remain suspended. If this exercise is difficult, lower your leg for 2-3 seconds and then resume pumping again. Repeat the exercise on the left leg. This technique will strengthen the calf muscles and tighten the entire surface of the buttocks.
Step 5
Lie on a flat surface. Place your hands along the body. Spread your legs slightly to the sides, bending at the knees. Please note that the feet must be completely flat on the surface. Raise your pelvis as high as possible. In this case, the feet, shoulder blades and shoulders should not come off the floor surface. Bring your knees together. Tighten your buttocks and legs as much as possible so that you feel light warmth and muscle work. Lock in this position for 3-5 seconds. Slowly lower your pelvis to its original position. Do the exercise 20-30 times.