So, you are about to start exercising and put your body in order, get a sporty look. You are already thinking about choosing a gym and training program. Wait, take your time! Your body must first be prepared for training loads. And this can be done at home as well.

Before you start to fully train in the gym, you will need to spend some time on the minimum adaptation of your muscles to the new load for them. It will not require anything from you except desire and a little of your time. Even a gym is not required for these purposes - it is quite possible to work out at home.
So, here is the program that you need to do at the very initial stage:
- Lying crunches (legs are on the chair) 3 X max.
- Squats 1 X max.
- Dips lying (from knees) 1 X max.
The left digit is the approaches. She says how many times you should "step up" and do the exercise. For example, in our case, you threw your legs and did a certain amount of twisting without stopping (until your strength ran out). This is called making an approach. Then you rested for one minute, lay back on the floor and put your feet on a chair or bed - the next series of crunches. This will be the second approach. We rest for another minute and do the third approach. "Max." - indicates the number of repetitions: the maximum possible for you.
In the future, you will use such a load so that the forces end (muscle failure occurs) in a certain range that we need, but for now you need to prepare your muscles for such a load. After three series (approaches) on the press (lying twisting), you rest for a minute and do one set of squats with your own weight, that is, without additional load (50-100 … as long as you can) and then rest again for a minute.
The last thing you do is a gentle push-up: kneeling. Also the maximum possible number of repetitions in the approach. What's next? Then we wait for the next day and …. pain. The exercise has damaged your muscle fibers. And since your muscles have never had this experience before, these injuries are especially traumatic. Pain indicates that you did everything right, and that the work was at the limit. "Healing" takes a certain number of days. For beginners, the pain will most likely persist for 3-7 days.
Your task is to repeat a similar training one day after the pain has completely disappeared. After the second workout, the pain will go away faster, after the third even faster. You continue to do this complex until the pain subsides and you have the opportunity to train twice a week. Those. the pain subsides on the 2nd day or you do not feel it at all. This is a sign that you can train your abs 2-3 times a week. And legs and chest 1-2 times a week. Legs, buttocks, pectorals, as a rule, hurt a little longer than the abs because of their size.