The horizontal bar is an extremely simple, but at the same time effective and functional trainer. With its help, you can effectively strengthen the muscles of the arms, back, chest, abs, hips. Simplicity, compactness and low price allow using the horizontal bar at home. It remains only to choose the right sports equipment.

Step 1
Decide on the place where you want to install the horizontal bar. This can be a doorway and a doorway, a place between two walls, a main wall and some other places.
Step 2
If you are looking for a simple and inexpensive horizontal bar, choose models that are installed in a doorway or in a narrow opening between two walls. These horizontal bars are compact and easy to install, but do not allow you to perform exercises in the upside-down position.
Step 3
If you need a removable horizontal bar, choose spacer models. Such a horizontal bar is fastened by means of a spring structure expansion and without the help of screws. Fixed models of the sliding type are arranged according to the principle of a telescopic tube. They are attached to walls or door frames with anchors and screws.
Step 4
If you need a functional yet inexpensive horizontal bar, check out the wall-mounted models. They can be used to perform a wide range of exercises, including exercises in the upside-down position. Wall-mounted horizontal bars can be foldable and take up a minimum of space. There are also removable models that allow you to remove the horizontal bar itself, leaving only the mounts on the wall. The projectile is attached to the wall with anchor bolts. Please note that the horizontal bar can only be installed on a solid brick or concrete wall.
Step 5
Think about what exercises you will be doing on the bar. Of the wall models, the most functional is the horizontal bar. Such a projectile consists of several transverse bars located perpendicular to the bars of the handles. Good in terms of functionality and a corner wall horizontal bar. The most compact option is the over-door model, but such a projectile imposes restrictions on a number of exercises.
Step 6
If you want to buy not just a horizontal bar, but a training complex with uneven bars, pay attention to floor equipment. Most often, these machines include dumbbell holders, barbells, bench, boxing bags, etc. All equipment is usually adjustable, which makes it possible to carry out a full-fledged strength training at home. Other advantages of floor horizontal bars are maximum reliability and safety, the ability to withstand heavy loads.
Step 7
Consider weight restrictions. This information depends on the type of horizontal bar and is indicated on the packaging of the sports equipment. For example, horizontal bars in a doorway can hold up to 130-150 kg.
Step 8
Consider the height of people planning to use the bar. For a tall person, door models and floor horizontal bars may be inconvenient.
Step 9
Pay attention to the comfort of the bar and handles. It is good if the bar is painted or has a raised surface, which will reduce hand slip during training. The handles must have a rubberized finish.