The fair sex is already openly claiming that they are crazy about beautiful female breasts and buttocks. If in the first case a woman can hardly change anything, then in the second great opportunities open up. How to make your buttocks firm, beautiful and toned?

The main female problems associated with the buttocks:
- cellulite,
- plane.
You can decide these two points yourself. So, first things first.
Oh, this cellulite
"Orange peel" is an exclusively female problem, men do not suffer from it. Mother Nature made sure that a woman could carry a baby even in the most severe conditions. What causes cellulite?
- improper nutrition,
- passive lifestyle,
- bad habits.
This is what gives impetus to the emergence of "citrus". It turns out that the first thing that will bring you closer to victory is giving up fatty, spicy and flour products, quitting smoking and alcohol, and increasing physical activity. It's simple, there is no need to invent a bicycle.
There are a number of treatments available to help you get rid of harmful cellulite. First of all, I would like to mention the bath and sauna. The effect after the course of hiking is visible, but only because the excess fluid has left the body. Clay wraps help, make the buttocks smooth, so if you start a struggle, then you should do this procedure at least at home. The most effective remedy to combat the "orange", which women themselves secrete, is honey massage. You need to conduct it in a course. You can make an appointment with a specialist or massage yourself on your own. It is worth noting that this procedure is quite painful, but effective. In addition to this, you need to make it a rule to do a contrast shower with rubbing with a scrub or hard washcloth. So you will disperse the blood, there will be no stagnation.
So, you can cope with cellulite like this:
- vegetables and fruits should be the basis of your diet;
- it is worth signing up for fitness, if this is not possible, you need to walk as much as possible - give up the elevator, get off one stop earlier, walk 15-20 minutes before bedtime;
- take alcohol as little as possible, nicotine should be abandoned altogether;
- do clay wraps;
- sign up for a honey massage;
- Have a contrast shower daily with rubbing.
Not a priest, but a nut

One popular myth is worth debunking. You cannot bulge your butt by doing standard exercises at home. If there is a desire to make a "nut", then you need to sign up for the gym and lift the barbell there in a sitting position - this way you will quickly achieve results.
What can you do at home? First, do exercises that will strengthen your inner and outer thighs and tighten your glutes. If you plan to pull the barbell in the future, then you need to squat correctly - feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, arms in front of you. On the count of times, the maximum squat is done, the priest moves back, the body tilts forward. You need to feel every muscle of the buttocks, do not bend, feel how your legs spring.
The inner thigh can be strengthened with the following exercise, which is shown in the picture. Everyone probably knows him. During execution, pull your leg up, tense the muscles. Lunges are also good for strengthening the hips.

So, if you want a round butt, then you need:
- strengthen your hips yourself at home;
- learn to squat correctly;
- write to the gym and squat with a barbell.