How To Swing Abs On The Ball

How To Swing Abs On The Ball
How To Swing Abs On The Ball

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If you are tired of the usual exercises for the press or work on the cherished relief is going slower than you would like, try a set of exercises for the press using a fitball. This big bouncy ball has become a familiar piece of equipment in all good fitness centers. This is not surprising, because exercises on a fitball allow you to additionally work out the smallest stabilizing muscles and make the training as effective as possible.

How to swing abs on the ball
How to swing abs on the ball

It is necessary

  • - Fitball;
  • - a medball weighing 2 - 2, 5 kg;
  • - gymnastic mat.


Step 1

Lie on the fitball with your lower back and buttocks. Bend your legs at a right angle, spread them shoulder-width apart and rest firmly on the floor. Pick up the medball and press it to your chest. Tighten your abs and slowly lift your core as high as possible. Hold this position for a couple of seconds and then return to the starting position for 4 counts. Do 15 reps.

Step 2

Lie with your back on the fitball. Bend your knees at a right angle and rest on the floor. Clench your hands into fists and press them to your chest. Slowly lifting the body, reach with your left fist to your right knee, and then with your right fist to your left. Make 4 movements with each hand in turn and lower the body onto the fitball. This is one repeat. Do 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps.

Step 3

Lie on your back on the fitball. Bend your legs at the knees and rest firmly on the floor. Lower your torso slightly off the ball so that the angle between your torso and the floor is approximately 45 degrees. Keep your knees over your ankles. Take a medball in your hands and raise it above your chest with straight arms. Move the ball slightly to the right, and then lower it to the outside of the left thigh, rotating the body. Bring the ball back up and do 10-15 reps. Then move the ball to the left and do the same reps to the right leg. Do 2-3 approaches without rest.

Step 4

Lie on your back on a gym mat. Place the foot of your right leg on the fitball, bend your leg at the knee to a right angle. Turn your left leg with the knee outward and place your left foot on the knee of your right leg. Place your hands behind your head and lock your fingers. Keep your elbows apart. Straining your abs, lift your right shoulder off the floor and reach with your right elbow toward your left knee. Lower yourself onto the rug. Perform 12 crunches for the right side, then switch legs on the fitball and do the same for the left side.

Step 5

Lie on your stomach on the fitball. Place your hands on the floor. Stepping over your palms, move the body so that the fitball is under your shins. The wrists should be under the shoulder joints. Keep your body straight, do not bend in the lower back. Bring your knees up to your chest without lifting your legs off the ball. Don't pull the ball too close, it will be difficult for you to get back. Keep your shoulders still. Then straighten your legs, returning the ball to its original place. Do 10-12 reps.
