The accumulation of fat on the back is not the most beautiful sight. Sagging swelling under the shoulder blades and a fatty belt on the lower back are unlikely to decorate at least someone. You can and should get rid of them - it will not be as difficult as many imagine.

Step 1
The very first and most important condition for getting rid of fat in any part of the body (including on the back) is the transition to a low-calorie diet. Reduce your daily calorie intake to 1000-1200 cc.
Step 2
Mainly remove fatty foods from your diet. Consume no more than 20 grams of animal fat per day. Watch your protein content (at least 50 g) and do not lean on carbohydrates (200-250 g). Do not forget to consume 20-27 g of vegetable oils per day, the body will not take fat from them, but the vitamins contained will be useful. Do not mix vegetable and animal fats in one meal; this will not do you any good.
Step 3
Eat more fruits, vegetables, and all kinds of greens. Plant-based foods are not only healthy, but also extremely low in calories, they will help you maintain your diet. Do not under any circumstances go hungry! The effect will be exactly the opposite. All the lost kilograms of fat will return to double the size immediately after fasting.
Step 4
To loosen fat from your back more quickly, do some small exercise several times throughout the day. Exercise in the morning and run in the evening. Physical activity will help you increase your energy consumption by 20-30%, and fats will be more actively broken down.
Step 5
Tighten your back muscles often. You can do this anywhere: both at home and at work, sitting at a computer desk. Keeping your back muscles active will not only help you shed hated fat, but it will also help keep your back straight, which will also improve your overall health.
Step 6
It will not be superfluous to visit the pool from time to time. When swimming, you will get a double benefit - you will spend a lot of energy (and, as a result, fat) and give an excellent load to all back muscles.
Step 7
It is very important after achieving the result, and he will not keep you waiting, not to abuse the amount of food. The daily allowance for a woman is 2000 kk, and for men is 2500 kk. Overeating will ultimately nullify all your efforts.