Strong neck muscles are essential for wrestlers, boxers and bodybuilders. For bodybuilders, pumped up neck muscles are also an important part of their athletic image. You can train the neck both on special simulators and without them, using various devices and additional resistance.

Step 1
Special simulators that allow you to pump neck muscles in isolation are not found in every gym. Therefore, you will have to involve a partner in your training or be creative. First, stretch your neck muscles with simple head tilts left and right and back and forth. Make 10 head turns in each direction. Then move on to the main workout.
Step 2
The first, lighter exercise option is suitable for you if you are just starting to train for the cervical muscles. Stand or sit on a bench. Keep your back straight. Place your right hand on your head just above your right ear. Tilt your head to the right, exerting maximum resistance with your hand. Repeat the same to the left. Then place both palms on your forehead, one on top of the other. Tilt your head forward, straining your arms. Do the same back, hands are clasped at the back of the head. Repeat each exercise 8-16 times. Approaches from 3 to 6.
Step 3
The second set of neck exercises is performed while lying on a bench with various resistance methods. It will be more convenient if your training partner resists you as you exercise. You can use a dumbbell or disc as a weight. To do this, you will have to sew a special hat from strong belts. The cap is put on the head, and a burden is already attached to it.
Step 4
Lie on a bench sideways so that your head hangs freely. Hang up a weight or have your partner press down on your head from above. When using a weight, do head bends and bends. When pressing your partner, try to resist your head, not letting it go down. Then lie on your other side and repeat the exercise on the other side of your neck.
Step 5
Lie on the bench with your stomach down, with your hands resting on the floor. The partner presses with his hands from above, and at the same time you resist his pressure. Or, put on a weighted hat and do head raises followed by a downward bend.
Step 6
At the end of the workout, massage your neck with your hands. Gently pull your head to the right, left, back and forth, trying to relax the muscles.