Today, surgical intervention in the process of childbirth is no longer an emergency measure. Most often, the operation to remove the fetus is planned from the very beginning of pregnancy. On the one hand, it makes it easier, and on the other hand, it complicates the life of a young mother.

All women are interested in when to start playing sports after a cesarean. It is better to discuss this issue with your gynecologist, since everyone's organisms are different. It is also worth considering the complications that were during pregnancy, and the general health of the woman in labor.
And yet - when?
Experts say that sports after a cesarean section are available already on the 10th day. It can be light exercises, walks, bends, squats.
Of course, you need to rely on your own feelings. But it is definitely not worth giving in to panic and refusing to take your child in your arms. By the way, it is bathing, motion sickness and carrying the baby in front of you that is considered the first load that is allowed after the operation.
The question of when you can start playing sports after a cesarean section fully must be agreed with your doctor. Basically, intensive training is not recommended to start earlier than 6-8 weeks after childbirth.
But everyday homework is allowed on the first day of discharge from the hospital.
Things to Avoid
What sport is allowed after cesarean, the state of the postoperative suture will tell. Usually, young mothers are advised to refrain from abdominal exercises for at least six months, and from twisting for 3 months.
You should also give up exercise on a stationary bike, strength exercises and intense jogging. But you need to pay more attention to cardio loads.
In addition to poses involving the torso and abdominal muscles, literally anything is permissible. That is, no one will forbid a young mother to squat, do push-ups, swim, do swing arms and legs.
Optimal types of loads
So what sport is allowed after a cesarean? First of all, this is yoga and Pilates. These complexes are based on smooth movements, calm breathing and static postures, which is the best fit for women who have undergone abdominal surgery.
Young mothers who want to not only strengthen their muscles, but also lose weight, should sign up for water aerobics. This sport is good because heavy loads are not so felt through the water column. Aqua aerobics trains muscles by relieving stress on the joints. The main thing is that the water is at least 27 degrees.
The best sport after a Caesarean section is fiery Latin American dancing. Salsa, samba, rubma, jive, cha-cha-cha will not only help you get back into good physical shape faster, but will also make a woman feel desirable and attractive.