How To Exercise After Laser Vision Correction

How To Exercise After Laser Vision Correction
How To Exercise After Laser Vision Correction

Getting rid of your glasses or lenses is a huge relief. But if you are actively involved in sports and love it, then good news for you. After laser vision correction, you even need to practice. Sports activities improve well-being and energize.

Laser vision correction
Laser vision correction

So, first you need to find out what exactly can not be done after the correction. The list of restrictions is as follows:

- sharp slopes;

- jumping;

- work with weights;

- exercises that cause a sharp blood flow to the head.

Consequently, training with "iron" in the gym immediately disappears, as well as inverted asanas in yoga. Oddly enough, push-ups and planks cannot be done either. Ottavit CrossFit aside, let's see what remains.


Stretching lovers often forget about stretching, but in vain. Stretching exercises help your muscles recover better after a hard workout. Also, good flexibility significantly reduces the risk of injury during strength training. A detailed technique for performing the exercises can be found on the Internet without any problems. The main thing is to make sure that there are no sudden movements! For warm-ups, slow plie squats and leg swings are suitable.


Elliptical training is also a great alternative to standard training. It is important to be examined by a fitness doctor so that he can determine the optimal threshold at which your heart rate should be during such workouts. Now there are many programs that are performed on an elliptical trainer. They are often built into the memory of the machine itself, and you can choose a program according to your goals. The elliptical trainer helps to beautifully develop the lower body: buttocks, thighs, calves.


Ironically, jogging can also be included in this list. There is a limitation: if you decide to go jogging, then the time after surgery is not very suitable for this. But if you have been running for a long time and your cardiovascular system is well developed, then you can continue your running workouts. Do not forget that two months after surgery is not the best time for new records. It is recommended that you train at a moderate pace, possibly at a slightly lower intensity.

Foam Roll Classes

Recently, training with a roll is gaining popularity in Russia. It is also called a foam roller, foam roller. The most common are two types: foam rolls and rubber rolls with spikes. Rubber spikes work out the muscles better, but you should not use them if you have never done a roll before - this is fraught with the fact that you will discourage all the desire to train with this projectile further. There are many roll exercises and detailed descriptions on the internet. The advantages of such workouts are that they help to completely relax the muscles, remove all the "nodules" that cause so much trouble to athletes and prevent the muscles from developing fully, as well as improve blood circulation in the muscles.

Breathing exercises

Bodyflex and oxysize techniques have been on everyone's lips for a long time, and for good reason. But for a number of reasons, only oxysize is suitable after the operation. Such gymnastics can replace a full-fledged workout, but it must be performed under the strict supervision of an experienced coach, at least for the first time, if you have never done it before, otherwise it is fraught with health deterioration! So if your gym is doing this kind of workout, this is the place for you.

This list includes those areas of training that will help you stay in shape throughout the rehabilitation period. Do not forget that the main thing is not to harm, therefore all exercises must be performed very technically and without fanaticism. At the slightest sign of discomfort, you must immediately stop training!
