Proper Nutrition During Exercise

Proper Nutrition During Exercise
Proper Nutrition During Exercise

Now the conversation will go not about dietary supplements or drugs that can help tone the muscles, give activity, help to add muscle mass, but about the products necessary for use, and about the diet, which is formulated correctly.

Proper nutrition during exercise
Proper nutrition during exercise

As we know, everyone is obliged to receive a certain amount of BJU daily (daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates), but not everyone observes this. Moreover, for a beginner athlete, these indicators should be increased, since energy costs will be higher.

With enhanced sports activities, the athlete must eat 6-7 times a day, no less. Fresh vegetables and fruits should also be included in the menu. They should make up about 10% of the total diet.

On days with classes, the first meals should be very nutritious. After two o'clock in the afternoon, several meals should be taken at regular intervals, and in the last hour before training, drink more water.

Try to consume less hard-to-digest food every day, at least less often adding it to the menu. These foods are best digested after exercise.

Cooking is important because, for example, steamed or cooked foods are healthier and easier for the body to absorb. You need the maximum variety of dishes and not frequent repetition of side dishes.


Pre-workout nutrition

We are not able to digest a lot of food during sports. That is why it will be wiser to eat foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates three hours before training. You can also take a small meal one hour before class.

Eating after exercise

It is also good to drink sweet tea or coffee before class, you can eat something rich in glucose. After all, if you played sports for several hours in a row, but did not eat anything before training, your blood glucose levels drop, exercise becomes difficult, and you become lethargic. That is why doctors recommend eating within two hours after training.

Carbohydrates can be absorbed at different rates, so glucose levels can rise too quickly or too slowly.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that nutrition, both before and after training, is very important in our life. Please be aware of what and how you eat and at what time, as you can harm yourself.
