How To Calculate Your Heart Rate For Fat Burning During Exercise

How To Calculate Your Heart Rate For Fat Burning During Exercise
How To Calculate Your Heart Rate For Fat Burning During Exercise

The body is a biological system that clearly reacts to any external and internal processes with a pulse rate. So in the human body, depending on the frequency and change in the pulse, various processes can be started, including fat burning. To lose weight, you need to correctly calculate the heart rate and determine the optimal load zone.

How to calculate your heart rate for fat burning during exercise
How to calculate your heart rate for fat burning during exercise

Why is it important to monitor your heart rate while exercising?

Pulse is what separates weight loss jogging from regular health jogging, special fat burning workouts from classic aerobics. Therefore, it is very important to constantly measure your heart rate during any workout for maximum effect. The fact is that a person may think that he is training fully, and at this time the body regards the physical activity shown as very "light". As a result, those who train do not achieve the desired results.

How to Calculate Your Fat Burning Heart Rate in Training?

Experts divide all loads into five main areas. The heart rate at which fat is most efficiently burned is in the aerobic zone, but it can be different for each person. The heart rate range for fat burning can range from 70 to 80 percent, and you can calculate it using a special formula: (220 - a) x0.7

Where the letter "a" denotes the age of the trainee, the number 220 means the "ceiling" of the human heart rate. As for the number 0, 7 or 0, 8, they denote the range of the pulse that appears during fat burning.

The body can also work in the zone of low cardiac stress during exercise. This zone occurs when breathing quickens, warming up the body, jogging and at the very beginning of training. If the workouts were lined up correctly, then after the zone of minimum loads, the body goes into a fitness zone located between the zones of minimum and fat burning loads. There are no positive changes in the fitness zone, but the amount of those calories burned by the body increases.

With increased loads, the body moves smoothly from the fitness zone to the aerobic zone. It is possible to determine the transition to this zone by the increased amount of absorbed air, that is, by the increase in breathing rate. At this time, the lungs increase, and at the same time, the body's capabilities increase significantly. In the aerobic zone, all excess calories are perfectly burned, and fat begins to be actively consumed.

After that, the aerobic zone becomes anaerobic, which has a completely different meaning for the body. At this time, the body is already switching to oxygen-free fat. Here, carbohydrates are used as "fuel", and fats are used in the smallest part. Lactic acid in such an area is considered a by-product. During training at the anaerobic level, the muscles get tired much faster, so it will not be possible to engage in such enhanced physical activity for a long time.

After the anaerobic zone comes the most dangerous zone, called the "zone of maximum loads". With the transition to such a level, the load on the heart increases, the respiratory system works with maximum efficiency, and the body begins to spend all the buffer substances and accumulated reserves. It is not recommended to train at this level without special need, and if these intensive trainings are necessary, then they should only take place under the supervision of an experienced trainer.
